Breaking news! The US government transferred about 4,000 bitcoins to Coinbase, and the market was in turmoil!

Shocking news came that the US government actually transferred about 4,000 bitcoins worth a lot of money to the Coinbase platform! The reason behind this was that the judge approved their sale. This news caused an uproar in the cryptocurrency circle and undoubtedly became a hot topic today.

So where did these 4,000 bitcoins come from? It turned out that they were the illegal gains of the criminals of the Silk Road website and were confiscated by the US government according to law. Now, the US government is considering whether to sell these bitcoins, which undoubtedly brings huge uncertainty to the market.

Faced with this news, the market reacted differently. Some people worry that if the US government sells these bitcoins on a large scale, it will bring heavy pressure to the market and cause prices to plummet. However, some people are optimistic that this transfer may only be a temporary storage rather than an immediate sale.

But in any case, this event is enough to excite the market. The US government's attitude and operation towards cryptocurrencies have always attracted much attention from the market, and this incident has pushed this focus to a climax. This also reflects that the legal and regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies is gradually maturing, but it also brings more unknowns and challenges.

Today, the focus of the market has shifted to the next move of the US government. When, where, and how will they sell these bitcoins? How will the market respond to this potential increase in supply? This has undoubtedly become a question that every investor must pay close attention to. After all, the Bitcoin market has always been unpredictable, and only by staying vigilant at all times can you remain invincible in the market.

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