Farcaster is a decentralized social network that enables developers to build novel social networks. Warpcast is its client, and the current interactive experience is more like a combination of Twitter and Discord.

The degen that skyrocketed on the Base chain was the local dog issued on Warpcast. The users who participated in the first phase of the degen channel interaction received considerable benefits. Another example is the nomination interaction of the Build channel. Users only need to nominate other users and post to receive nominations from others every day. Early users also received hundreds of dollars in benefits. The two projects mentioned above are pure zero-cost projects with a short cycle. Now the number of users in many channels is less than tens of thousands, and it is not that hot. You can download and register Wapcast as soon as possible to get early airdrops.

Next, let’s talk about the Warpcast registration guide and the interactive tutorials for several projects with potential on the client.

1. Warpcast registration:

You can enter through my invitation link:


After entering your personal email address, click send invite. Remember to use this email address to register an account later!

After using my invitation, you can get 50 warps, which can be used to mint some NFTs on Warpcast, reward user posts, etc. Warps is not an on-chain asset, so it cannot be transferred.

Taking Apple iOS as an example, it is recommended that you need an overseas Apple ID to download the Warpcast app. After downloading, switch to a domestic Apple ID. After entering the software, click Create account. The app will generate a wallet with 24 mnemonics. Then we enter the personal email address we filled in before and complete the verify account operation in the email.

After the verification is completed, go back to the Warpcast app and click create account. The Apple payment interface will pop up on the page. The current annual fee of US$5 corresponds to a fee of RMB 38.

After successfully registering, you can fill in your personal information and photos to complete the account creation! Finally, it is recommended that you enter the Warpcast application through the official website on the PC, click Log in with phone, and use the Apple camera to scan the code to enter the official website (https://warpcast.com/). The interaction on the computer side will be more convenient, so that everyone can interact on the page!

Finally, I would like to remind you that in the settings menu of the interface, you need to verify addresses to obtain potential airdrops!

2. Potential projects:

1️⃣ Powerfeed, subscribers can get a certain amount of ⚡️ every day at UTC 16:00. By posting with ⚡️ or replying to other people’s posts with ⚡️, they can get corresponding points and obtain potential airdrops from subsequent projects.

Currently, there are only 23.1k subscribers to the project. I have only interacted with it for two days and have accumulated 20 points, but my ranking is already in the top 6000. It should be a very easy project to get.

2️⃣ Talent

Currently, there are only 16k subscribers. For example, one of the current activities is to post about your secret skills or summer hobbies, and you can get 200m $BUILD. There are quite a lot of activities at the moment, you can go to the talent channel to find out!

3️⃣ onchainsummer

The current number of subscribers is only 10.4k. Four days ago, there was an activity where you could post what you were building and get 5,000 ops from round.

Currently, the tasks on Warpcast are very simple. You can get some incentives by simply interacting with some web2 social platforms! Some projects also have some interactions for minting NFTs. While Warpcast does not have too many daily active users, hurry up!