đŸ”„Hot off the press! Polymarket, the crypto-based prediction market platform, is in a tussle with its decentralized oracle service, UMA, over a market bet on Barron Trump's involvement with the DJT token.đŸŽČ

UMA, the referee of these prediction markets, has repeatedly ruled "no" to the question of Barron's involvement with the meme coin. But, Polymarket isn't buying it! They're convinced UMA got it wrong and are planning a fix.đŸ› ïž

The DJT saga has been unfolding for two weeks now, with neither the Trump campaign nor Barron confirming or denying involvement. Amidst this silence, convicted felon Martin “Pharma Bro” Shkreli has been loudly claiming Barron's involvement.📱

This isn't UMA's first controversy. It's faced questions over its contract resolution methods before. What's your take on this? Is Polymarket right to question UMA's decision?đŸ€”

Meanwhile, the DJT token is down 7% on the day. Stay tuned for more updates!📉 #Polymarket #UMA #DJTToken #CryptoNews