5 Things You Need to Follow to Turn $1000 into $100,000 👉🚦🚦 💰👀

📌Determining models that offer realistically appropriate Risk-Reward ratios.

📌When entering into transactions, giving more importance to the risk you will take than the reward you will get.

📌Although not specific, looking for positions that have the potential to earn at least two rewards when you take a risk, such as $RAD .

📌Trying to find and focus on a well-analyzed, accurate and minimal-risk setup like $BETA . Remembering that even if the stop-loss is triggered as in $ZK it is not a big deal.

📌Starting transactions when all conditions are suitable and you feel completely ready and taking into account the impact of human psychology.

When you apply these items and proceed in a disciplined manner, success will be inevitable.👍

At this point, for those who have not yet activated their futures transactions and those who want to start for the first time, I leave a link below where you can earn IO.