Study time: 2 minutes

After its launch on August 16th, Shibarium experienced a massive outage that resulted in a temporary shutdown of the network. However, the Shiba team has recently made significant progress and successfully restarted the Shibarium.

However, the Shiba Inu (SHIB) community remains full of anticipation. One of Shiba's developers, Cal Zaria, points out that Shiba's most important announcement has been overshadowed by Shibarium concerns.

In fact, Zaaria points to Shiba's Worldpaper, which includes the key principles of Shiba's decentralization. According to him, this World Paper will provide the foundation necessary to create a decentralized digital community for Shiba Inu.

The original Shiba breeder, Shitoshi Kusama, presents the basic principles of the Shiba Inu in a condensed version of the Shiba World Paper. In this World Paper, he defines Shiba Inu as a digital utopia for collective welfare, envisioned as a beacon of decentralization and empowerment in a world that increasingly values ​​these principles.

The Shiba World Paper serves as a charter for the Shiba Ino community and addresses cryptocurrency issues such as scalability and governance.

In the section "Why World Paper Shiba?" From this document, Kusama describes Paper Shiba's World as the last mime to harness the technological power of Shiba Inu, the Great Shibarium, and use it as the basis for the emergence of a decentralized digital world government. According to Kusama, Shiba Paper World is a necessary charter for the birth of Shiba Ino State.

In addition, the document describes how the Shiba community addresses and solves 10 major global problems, including the concentration of power and wealth, data privacy concerns.

A Autonomous Identity (SSI) solution will also be introduced to protect data privacy, giving users control over their digital interactions

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