For those who don't understand what happened in the
#IA market and think there is no crisis or that it was just a small wave:
The US thought they were swimming alone in this promising field. After all, they had the best technology, the most mature, with the largest database. In addition, Trump announced the cooperation of three large companies with an investment of 500 billion dollars to continue developing even more advanced AIs.
Those who looked at it couldn't see how anyone could catch up to the US, with a monopoly in a sector as important as oil and semiconductors.
In fact, as the cherry on the cake, Biden prevented China from accessing the most advanced chips, precisely to further delay the development of this type of technology! Without them, China would not have the processing capacity to advance in AI, the final cost would be higher and the response time would be absurdly slow.
But that's not what happened.
The difficulties created that should have set China back a decade actually took only 2 years to overcome. Even without advanced chips and investing only a tiny fraction of the 100 billion dollars spent so far by American companies, CHINA HAS ALREADY EQUALIZED itself to the most advanced AIs currently!
Thus, the market immediately went from seeing a monopoly of 3 companies that would provide AI services to the entire world to a fierce competition with several companies (not only Chinese) taking over some niches, without the hegemony promised by
#TRUMP . As is the case with the entertainment sector, for example.
And to make things even worse for investors,
#china freely released the DeepSeek code. Which means that any of us can create a company using the algorithm that creates highly advanced AIs at low cost. The Chinese company invested only 6 million dollars!
Now, imagine
#NVIDIA , which today makes a lot of money for being the ONLY developer and manufacturer of AI chips, discovering that it is possible to do the same thing without them?