đVERT token price prediction
âď¸On Bitget, the latest price of VERT token is 0.0338 USDT, down 14.86%. The trading volume in the last 24 hours is 5.9 thousand USDT. The total volume since the sale is 578.51 thousand USDT.
âŹď¸According to exchange data, the highest average price of VERT in the past seven days is 0.1018 USDT. Although the fluctuation is not too sudden, the price trend of VERT on Bitget is moving in a downward direction.
đOn Gate exchange, VERT has a higher price of 0.0495 USDT. The highest buying price is 0.036 USDT. The lowest selling price is 0.05 USDT. The total trading volume is nearly 970 thousand USDT. VERT price has not changed much in the past time.
đĽ Both exchanges attract a large number of users buying and selling VERT. The common price range is from 0.06 - 0.12 USDT.
đ˛Some opinions say that the token will only stop at around 0.05 - 0.08 USDT when listed. A more optimistic group of investors predicts that the price of VERT can reach around 0.07 USDT.
đAlthough the token price is not high, with a simple and interesting gameplay mechanism, the project still has a high number of active users. Vertus has more than 7.5 million users, including 1.2 million daily active users and 3 million followers on social networks. Vertus is the project that ranked 3rd in the Ton Open League organized by the TON Foundation.
đWhen completing tasks in the application (playing games), players will directly receive VERT rewards. Vertus's mechanics make the game a prominent name in the free airdrop hunting user community.
#VERT #Vertus