Why choose the #PowerAgent Automation Network?
A couple of years ago, the Curve Finance Wars narrative captivated the #DeFi community. But one year before the #Curve Wars , few understood its significance. Today, the dominant paradigm is self-
#custody : users have their own wallets, maintain self-custody rights, and sign all transactions themselves.
✅ Current Paradigm: Users have their own wallets, maintain self-custody rights, and sign all transactions themselves.
✅ Future Vision of
#Automation : Users will increasingly outsource transactions. Even individual users will rely on automation service networks for #transaction execution.
✅ Automation Networks: These networks will streamline #DeFi interactions and enhance efficiency.
✅ PowerAgent's Role: Ensures that automated transaction networks are
#trustworthy , #reliable, and accessible for all users.
Unlock the future of #decentralized automation with #PowerAgent!
Become a PowerAgent v2 Keeper Today: https://docs.powerpool.finance/powerpool-and-poweragent-network/power-agent/user-guides-and-instructions/i-want-to-become-a-keeperc