#robot #IA #blockchain #cryptoculture Boty
When you live in a place where there are strong winds, the wind can't surprise you as much. You already know the place and what to expect from it. On the other hand, if you board a convoy on a plane for a temporary job that you don't even know where they are taking you... you are in trouble.
In the desert I met an android, I called him Boty. We worked in the same sector, I picked up fallen solar panels and cleaned and polished them. We became friends, they paid him less than me. He wasn't protesting but I suspected he was part of the Robot Resistance. An old model of the sha 256 blockchain. It wasn't very fast but it never stopped.
As we talked in front of the panels, I felt the air getting colder. And a black horizon that threatened. A monstrous storm that would eat me in seconds if I didn't run. The wind took my bag flying and my things already belonged to the wind. The books and notebooks in the air and with them an old analog photograph taken in an amusement park before the era of pandemics. It was as if all the happiness of childhood was blown away from me by the wind. Not photography! I yelled at the furious roaring gusts as I ran for cover. Boty continued walking in the direction of the storm until it swallowed him and I lost sight of him.
The next day, there were no traces of the android.
Years later, when I got tired of big cities, I went to live in a small town in the mountains. One day I was returning from the market, I opened the door of the cabin with some logs of firewood in my hand and closed the door, the cold breeze stayed outside and I felt great warmth. As I approached the table I saw that the photo was there, a little ruined by the years, but you could see my big childish smile. I looked out of each of the windows and through the window that overlooks the lake I thought I saw a flash of light. A lightning bolt that exploded into a metal surface and went out. That glow was the last I saw of Boty.