MovieBloc (MBL) Price Prediction 2025
Are you curious about the future of MovieBloc? Our technical analysis brings you the latest price prediction for MovieBloc in 2025 and beyond. We explore market trends and analyze sentiment to help you make more informed decisions about your cryptocurrency investments.
Current Price of MovieBloc
R$0.0142. 7.27%(1D)
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MovieBloc (MBL) Technical Analysis
Valdrin Tahiri
Price Prediction Specialist 2025
MovieBloc Price Prediction
YearMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
2025 $0.18
MBL traders use a wide range of trading signals and technical indicators to predict the trajectory of a price. Although not all methods are necessary to accurately predict the direction of the market
Current Price of MovieBloc
MovieBloc is currently quoted at a price of R$0.0142 (MBL/BRL) with a live market capitalization of R$254.57 million. The 24-hour trading volume is R$-326.59 thousand, representing a change of 0.21928% positive. With a circulating supply of 18.27 billion, the price movement of MovieBloc is currently positive.
Fundamental Analysis of MovieBloc
Fundamental analysis aims to assess the inherent value of an asset, while technical analysis involves examining statistical patterns in the price and volume of that asset. Both techniques are employed to analyze and predict potential developments in the future price of that asset. In the case of MBL, the most direct way to perform a fundamental analysis is to observe supply and demand dynamics. Additionally, it is possible to observe the market capitalization value (R$254.57 million) and the circulating supply (18.27 billion) to arrive at reasonable price assumptions for the future. On the demand side, it is possible to examine on-chain data related to the number of active and new addresses, and the transaction count
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