Telegram CEO's detention kidnapped another executive from Europe: Russian-French relations strained
Chris Pavlovski, the founder and CEO of Rumble, which is a video platform that is an alternative to Youtube, stated on X that he left Europe in a statement. The arrest of Telegram CEO Durov and the French government's last steps led to this breakup, Pavlovski wrote. On the other hand, Durov's detention decision also raised tensions in Russian-French relations.
While the detention of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France made a big sound in the world, Chris Pavlovski, the founder and CEO of Rumble, another social platform, said he left Europe.
Pavlovski, who made a statement on X and was also a Canadian citizen, did not explain which country he left and where he went.
Rumble CEO stated that France has crossed the red line and that they have cases in French courts, he used the following statements:
âActually, I'm even late, but I would like to say that I left Europe safely. France had threatened Rumble before. Now they have crossed the red line by arresting Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. The reason for this was that Telegram does not restrict the freedom of speech. Rumble will not support these movements and will give every legal struggle for freedom of thought. We hope that Pavel Durov will be released as soon as possible"
Russian-French relations are declining
On the other hand, according to the Wall Street Journal from the US media, Durov's arrest also strained Russian-French relations. The Russian Consulate in Franda made a statement on the subject yesterday morning and stated that they asked the French authorities for information. However, it was stated that the French still did not give any information to the consulate on the subject and this situation drew Russia's reaction.
The Wall Street Journal also reported that some Russian officials described this detention as an indirectly hostile movement against Russia.