#BTCNextMove $BTC 🔔 The most important and most expensive article about the digital currency season that you will see in your life 🪣
Save it and you will not need anyone
1️⃣Bitcoin breaks its peak first
2️⃣Within two months it rises and withdraws liquidity and rises better than currencies
3️⃣Within a month of 2️⃣ The market cap for currencies without Bitcoin reaches its historical peak
4️⃣The market cap breaks without Bitcoin and currencies take off crazy for two months
5️⃣The coin rises but less than currencies
6️⃣ The most dangerous stage Bitcoin corrects and currencies correct with it - then Bitcoin recovers a little bit but currencies recover strongly and break new peaks + the market cap without the coin
7️⃣At this time, the end 6️⃣Run away, run away Escape
The duration is from two weeks to a month
5️⃣🔣6️⃣🔣7️⃣Their duration is 4 months
8️⃣A 50% correction comes to the market for a period of 3 months
9️⃣The last rise comes that suspends humanity
20% of currencies break their new peak
80% rise without breaking their peak - the duration is two months
0️⃣1️⃣Then the bear market begins
Algerian 🇩🇿: Yacize