#TrustWallet vs
#MetaMask Short Comparison Summarized
When making our Trust Wallet vs MetaMask comparison, we came across many similarities.
First, both wallets are non custodial and are protected by a password and a 12-word backup passphrase. Moreover, both Trust Wallet and MetaMask support token swaps and fiat purchases.
We also found that both providers support iOS and Android apps, plus Chrome, Brave, and Edge browser extensions.
Trust Wallet vs MetaMask comparison also discovered that both wallets make it simple to connect to Web 3.0 dApps, such as Uniswap, OpenSea, Compound, and PancakeSwap.
Trust Wallet supports significantly more cryptocurrencies than MetaMask.
For example,
#MetaMask only supports cryptocurrencies on the Ethereum, Arbitrum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Polygon, and Avalanche networks.
#TrustWallet supports all of these networks, plus dozens more. This includes Bitcoin, XRP, Cardano, Solana, and Litecoin. Furthermore, token swaps and staking on Trust Wallet are fee-free, while MetaMask charges a markup.
Trust Wallet and MetaMask are two popular non-custodial wallets – each boasting over 60M & 30M users, respectively...
Are Trust Wallet & Metamask Centralized or Decentralized?
Put simply, Trust Wallet and MetaMask are considered two of the best decentralized crypto wallets in the market. This is because both providers offer non-custodial storage. In fact, both wallets use the same set-up structure when providing users with their private keys.
✔️ After downloading and installing Trust Wallet or MetaMask, a 12-word backup passphrase is displayed
✔️ This is a string of words that represent the private keys when entered in the correct order
✔️ Users are asked to write their backup passphrase down before proceeding
✔️ The backup passphrase provides access to Trust Wallet and MetaMask if the user losses their password or device
As well, Both DEXs are easily operational via normal Internet, Centralised and Decentralised VPNs too...
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