In recent months, Telegram's "Tap to Earn" apps have gained immense popularity. However, beneath the surface lies a sinister reality. These apps are designed to exploit users, promising them easy money & rewards in exchange for their hard work & dedication.
How the Scam Works
The scammers behind these apps use a clever marketing strategy to lure in victims. Initially, they launched apps like Notcoin and Dogs, which gave users a substantial amount of money through airdrops. This move was a strategic ploy to attract users and build trust.
The Role of Notcoin and Dogs
Notcoin & Dogs were the pioneers of this scam. By giving users a significant amount of money initially, they created a false sense of security & exclusivity. Users were led to believe that these apps were legitimate & that they could earn substantial rewards. However, this was just a tactic to lure in more users and create a buzz around the apps.
The Truth Revealed
However, the reality is that these apps are nothing more than a cleverly designed scam. The scammers behind these apps are making a fortune by exploiting users' hopes & dreams. They use the money invested by users to fund their own lavish lifestyles, while the users are left with nothing but empty promises.
The Role of Telegram and Crypto Influencers
Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov, is also complicit in this scam. By allowing these apps to operate on his platform, he is enabling the scammers to reach a wider audience. Crypto influencers are also guilty of promoting these apps, often without doing their due diligence. They sell false hopes & dreams to their followers, who are eager to make a quick buck.
The "Tap to Earn" app scam is a stark reminder of the dangers of greed & the importance of doing our due diligence. We must be cautious of apps that promise easy money and rewards, and we must hold platforms like Telegram and influencers accountable for enabling these scams. Remember, time is precious,& we must invest it wisely. Don't waste your life chasing false hopes and dreams.
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