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How to add MANTRA (OM) to MetaMask? Adding MANTRA (OM) to MetaMask allows you to view your token assets, trade on decentralized exchanges and much more. To add them, you need to import OM as a token. You can copy the OM contract address (0x3593d125a4f7849a1b059e64f4517a86dd60c95d) and import it manually, or, if you have installed the MetaMask extension for the Chrome browser, you can add OM to MetaMask with one click on CoinGecko.#CryptoLovePoems #TraderProfile #MarketLiquidation #Squar2earn #SQCRYPTOER $USDC
How to add MANTRA (OM) to MetaMask?

Adding MANTRA (OM) to MetaMask allows you to view your token assets, trade on decentralized exchanges and much more. To add them, you need to import OM as a token. You can copy the OM contract address (0x3593d125a4f7849a1b059e64f4517a86dd60c95d) and import it manually, or, if you have installed the MetaMask extension for the Chrome browser, you can add OM to MetaMask with one click on CoinGecko.#CryptoLovePoems #TraderProfile #MarketLiquidation #Squar2earn #SQCRYPTOER $USDC
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