#66% of
$QNT 🔥🔥🔥
23-08-2018 : $0.16
11-09-2021 : $428
Actual price : $139
#267400% increase ✓
Some Mathematics:
To calculate the percentage increase from $0.16 to $428, we first need to find the difference between the two values:
$428 - $0.16 = $427.84
Next, we calculate the percentage increase:
Percentage Increase = (Difference / Original Value) * 100
= ($427.84 / $0.16) * 100
= 267400%
So, the percentage increase from $0.16 to $428 is approximately 267400%.
Date: 2019.
Quant (QNT) burnt 66.5% of its total supply on June 26, 2019. This token burn was part of the project's efforts to reduce the total supply from 45 million to 14.6 million tokens.
Wait the surprise of
$BONK and
#Follow_Me to be updated for such information .