Simply calculate the expected return of using $FDUSD to participate this time
#Launchpool #新币挖矿 #XAI .
#fdusd pool daily output: 1,875,000 xai,
Number of tokens deposited into fdusd pool: Estimated 1 billion.
Deposit 1000 fdusd and you will get:
(1000 / 1,000,000,000) * 1875000 = 1.875 xai
Since there is no financing data, I can only guess at the price. Initial circulation 11.08%, 277,118,150.
Generally, the circulating market value can reach 100 million $ after the initial listing. This time it is a game public chain (L3, based on
#arbitrum , the main chain is Ethereum). It feels like it has some potential. Finally, it is assumed that the circulating market value is 180 million $. The available unit price is approximately: 0.65 $.
The expected daily return per 1000 fdusd is: 1.875 * 0.65 = 1.21 $
The expected annualized rate of return is: (1.21 / 1000) * 365 = 44.45%
The data is for reference only, please refer to the actual data!
Calculate the interest costs incurred during the staking process by yourself, as well as the exchange rate fluctuation costs that may occur after or even before the end of the event (if there are no new new currency mining fdusd may fluctuate between 0.9985-0.9993 for a period of time, of course it will in the long term Return 1)
Total amount 2,500,000,000 XAI (2.5 billion).
Initial circulation 11.08%, 277,118,150 (data provided by Binance, no specific value found in official documents). Among them, Binance launchpool 3%; 2% is lent to market makers; the remaining circulating amount is estimated to be the operating fund.
The team, investors, and ecological funds (the 5.5% portion, and the remaining 2% should be in circulation) are all locked for half a year after the currency is issued and then unlocked.
The main purpose of xai is to serve as gas fee, post-staking income and governance.