đ„đ„Baby Doge Coinđđ
17,834,976,766 (~$20)
#BABYDOGE tokens burned from the total supply in the past hour.
#BabyDogeCoin #BabyDogeArmy Baby Doge Coin is a meme cryptocurrency designed to be deflationary and more scarce over time.
Current Price:$0.00,000,000,111 -2.58%
Market Cap:$162.53M
24H Volume:$1,536,40
BABYDOGE Token Burn Addresses
There is one special null address that is currently being used to burn $BABYDOGE coins, this address is not created by the Baby Doge Coin development team, It is part of blockchain mainnet and is used to burn other coins as well.
Burn Address (BA-1):
0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead binance-smart-chain
Balance: 214,882,446,658,866,530 $BABYDOGE