#AUDİO current Audius price prediction, the price of Audius is predicted to rise by 229.77% and reach $ 0.44306 by September 3, 2024.
Per our technical indicators, the current sentiment is Bearish while the Fear & Greed Index is showing 34 (Fear).
Audius recorded 14/30 (47%) green days with 6.47% price volatility over the last 30 days. Based on the Audius forecast, it's now a bad time to buy Audius.
Audius price prediction 2025
The Audius price prediction for 2025 is currently between $ 0.134354 on the lower end and $ 0.63863 on the high end.
Compared to today’s price, Audius could gain 377.83% by 2025 if AUDIO reaches the upper price target.
For your investing portfolio, this asset is a Good Investment. Given its phenomenal growth in the current music industry, AUDIO coin price estimates predict that it has long-term earning potential.
The total supply of AUDIO is 1 billion tokens, with a current circulating supply of 411m AUDIO.
AUDIO tokens are used as rewards for staking, while anyone can become a staker by staking their AUDIO balances.
Ongoing token issuance is used to pay these rewards. AUDIO can also be traded in the market of cryptocurrencies to make a profit based on the difference between the buying and selling price.
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