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币圈大佬带我出金,小细节别选错——看这篇就够了!!!那些号称自己赚了几千万财务自由的币圈散户,100%都是在吹牛逼,因为他的变现环节中,一定会把自己送进去。现在出金模式建立的越来越完善,在海外很容易。不过,回大陆,基本都被堵死。 经过几个月的新方向的跑通,今天来详细说说怎么出金。 目前大所里支持大陆身份证、护照提现的只有币安和kraken,kraken是可以直接提现美元走ACH到美国银行卡,但是需要美国的地址证明和税号。 另外,在港币出金不影响,香港没有管制,只有港币转回国内受5万美元额度限制,超过额度,那就拿港卡国内ATM取现,取现不占外汇额度。 港币提现费用交易所港币提现➡港卡收款➡港卡同名互转国内或国内ATM取现,这是目前最便捷和低损耗的安全出金方式,所有费用加一起不会超过1%。 小额都是如此,大额可能还是得通过第三方持牌香港律所、信托公司出金比较靠谱安全短平快。 其实在币圈号称一夜财富自由的,先枪毙再判刑没有一个冤枉的。 目前仅限对其他护照、或者第三国身份的客户提供此类信托/托管服务,信托合规规定。 暂不接受申请人单纯持中国护照且没有第三方海外永居身份或护照托管数字资产裸奔,原理参照纯中国护照在HK券商买大饼基金都买不了。 仅仅一个大陆护照是不行的,那么还需要一个海外的永居身份,或者第三国护照。 出U,专业的事还是得交给专业的人。 一般设立费+固定年度管理费=几万美元,看清楚兜里有几个钢镚的根本不需要考虑。 所以200万U是个槛。 加密货币信托出入金认可资产:USDT、BTC、USDC、NFT,其他小众的在这就不说了,主流转换货币为美元或欧元。 这个信托托管账户类似于律师楼的一些监管托管账户一样,并不实质管理客户资产或投资,只是收客户的资产,然后客户指示和实际情况转出。 独立信托时间会更长一些,客户独立信托需要开专属对应的银行户由信托公司代办,信托托管户是现成的。 目前大陆身份证无法交易,想要交易还得需要海外银行账户,这又是一个产业。所以有很多办卡的中介就起来了。 要办理港卡办理港澳通行证和签注,赴港开卡,现在很方便。 港卡有两类,虚拟银行和实体银行,虚拟的只需要定位在香港即可办理,众安银行必办,天星选办。 实体银行中银、汇丰、渣打、招商永隆,中银和汇丰的好处是全球同名账户转账免费,这在出金后转回国内非常有用。 所有银行都需要身份证、港澳通行证、入关小票,中银还会看地址证明(比如水电煤账单,信用卡账单,有具体地址及个人信息)、银行流水,渣打、汇丰、中银、花旗、东亚、恒生、华侨0门槛,没有存款额度要求,不强制买理财和保险,不排队,需要到香港。 当然,这个世界所有的问题都是有解决方案的,但是得花钱啊,比如香港投资移民,可以用虚拟货币作净资产审核! 除了香港,还有一个叫萨尔瓦多护照移民的项目(你把比特币打给这个国家钱包),只需要5万刀即可拿到身份,类似像移民中介一样。 想自由的出金 大佬可以,散户不行,所以小白基本不用考虑了。 总结下来,国内出金唯一的渠道就是:交易所提现→境外银行卡或第三方支付收款→转回国内卡结汇或者持境外卡国内ATM取现。



想自由的出金 大佬可以,散户不行,所以小白基本不用考虑了。
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Revealing the Secrets of OTC Withdrawal from Binance - Safety Manual - Practical GuideStarted doing online OTC in 2021, currently with a total trading volume of 221 BTC, averaging 2-3 BTC per month. So far, I have been under risk control for 3 days once but have never had my account frozen. I see many friends in the circle love withdrawing funds from exchanges but often have their accounts frozen, so I share some OTC insights. If you like this, please like and follow. If the response is good, I will provide more rule teachings.Below, I will explain with several dimensions and provide cases. Although I cannot guarantee 100% safety, it will at least make your withdrawals from the exchange safer than others.First, withdrawal platform: The preferred exchange is Binance. It's not that others are bad, but other exchanges have less OTC, which will reduce safety. At the same time, Binance has the Shield. Merchants with large sums + the Shield require a 100,000 USDT margin, while some can operate with a 30,000 USDT margin now (so if your amount is extremely large, be sure to distinguish clearly).

Revealing the Secrets of OTC Withdrawal from Binance - Safety Manual - Practical Guide

Started doing online OTC in 2021, currently with a total trading volume of 221 BTC, averaging 2-3 BTC per month. So far, I have been under risk control for 3 days once but have never had my account frozen. I see many friends in the circle love withdrawing funds from exchanges but often have their accounts frozen, so I share some OTC insights. If you like this, please like and follow. If the response is good, I will provide more rule teachings.Below, I will explain with several dimensions and provide cases. Although I cannot guarantee 100% safety, it will at least make your withdrawals from the exchange safer than others.First, withdrawal platform: The preferred exchange is Binance. It's not that others are bad, but other exchanges have less OTC, which will reduce safety. At the same time, Binance has the Shield. Merchants with large sums + the Shield require a 100,000 USDT margin, while some can operate with a 30,000 USDT margin now (so if your amount is extremely large, be sure to distinguish clearly).
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The Phantom Analyst Reveals the Pitfalls of Withdrawals! Don't Let the Nightmare of 'Treading the Sewing Machine' Fall Upon You!Hey, all you guys in the crypto world! Today we need to talk about a life-and-death matter — the safety of withdrawing funds in the crypto world. Don’t underestimate this withdrawal step; a small mistake could lead to unimaginable consequences. Did you know? Not long ago, a male college student was sentenced to 3 years in prison solely because of a mistake in his withdrawal operation; his bright youth was ruined just like that, which is truly heartbreaking. The crypto world may seem like a paradise filled with gold and abundant opportunities, but in reality, it is like a jungle full of traps, especially in terms of withdrawals, where risks are everywhere. A small mistake could turn you from a wealth seeker into a prisoner, going to 'tread the sewing machine.' If you are still clueless about what the crypto world is or what risks are hidden in withdrawals, I sincerely advise you not to step lightly into this 'land of right and wrong,' otherwise, you will surely be just another victim in the crypto world. Today, I will share my experiences accumulated over many years in the crypto world with you, explaining how to safely withdraw funds and avoid being 'head-pressed' punished.

The Phantom Analyst Reveals the Pitfalls of Withdrawals! Don't Let the Nightmare of 'Treading the Sewing Machine' Fall Upon You!

Hey, all you guys in the crypto world! Today we need to talk about a life-and-death matter — the safety of withdrawing funds in the crypto world. Don’t underestimate this withdrawal step; a small mistake could lead to unimaginable consequences. Did you know? Not long ago, a male college student was sentenced to 3 years in prison solely because of a mistake in his withdrawal operation; his bright youth was ruined just like that, which is truly heartbreaking. The crypto world may seem like a paradise filled with gold and abundant opportunities, but in reality, it is like a jungle full of traps, especially in terms of withdrawals, where risks are everywhere. A small mistake could turn you from a wealth seeker into a prisoner, going to 'tread the sewing machine.' If you are still clueless about what the crypto world is or what risks are hidden in withdrawals, I sincerely advise you not to step lightly into this 'land of right and wrong,' otherwise, you will surely be just another victim in the crypto world. Today, I will share my experiences accumulated over many years in the crypto world with you, explaining how to safely withdraw funds and avoid being 'head-pressed' punished.
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5 Years of Trading Experience Sharing: How to Safely Cash Out 10 Million? Let Qinjie Help You Avoid Pitfalls!If you earn 10 million in the crypto space, congratulations! However, the real challenge is how to safely cash out this wealth. As an analyst with 5 years of trading experience, I have seen too many cases of heavy losses due to withdrawal operation errors. Today, I will teach you step by step how to safely withdraw funds and avoid all the pitfalls! 1. Withdrawals in Hong Kong: On-site operations, safe and controllable. As a 'hot spot' for cryptocurrency trading, Hong Kong is the first choice for many investors to cash out. But remember, safety first! Operating Method: Exchange Method: Exchange USDT and other crypto assets for Hong Kong dollars or RMB. There are many physical stores and exchange points in Hong Kong that offer this service.

5 Years of Trading Experience Sharing: How to Safely Cash Out 10 Million? Let Qinjie Help You Avoid Pitfalls!

If you earn 10 million in the crypto space, congratulations! However, the real challenge is how to safely cash out this wealth. As an analyst with 5 years of trading experience, I have seen too many cases of heavy losses due to withdrawal operation errors. Today, I will teach you step by step how to safely withdraw funds and avoid all the pitfalls!
1. Withdrawals in Hong Kong: On-site operations, safe and controllable.
As a 'hot spot' for cryptocurrency trading, Hong Kong is the first choice for many investors to cash out. But remember, safety first!
Operating Method:
Exchange Method: Exchange USDT and other crypto assets for Hong Kong dollars or RMB. There are many physical stores and exchange points in Hong Kong that offer this service.
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How to safely withdraw one million earned from cryptocurrency? When it comes to cashing out virtual currencies, do you think you can just find any buyer to convert it easily? That's a big mistake. While it's true that the virtual currency is sold and the money is in hand, the consequence of such a simple sale is that nine out of ten receiving bank cards will be frozen. Once a bank card is frozen, in order to unfreeze it, the police will require you to provide evidence to prove your innocence. To present evidence of a legitimate transaction, you must do the following before cashing out virtual currencies: First, how much do you know about the buyer? This is often a question asked by the police. Cryptocurrency transactions are not like buying and selling goods; you have the duty to conduct reasonable due diligence. Before the transaction, verify the other party's account information, bank statements, and refuse transactions if the source of funds is unclear. Don't think that any profit is worth trading with just anyone. Second, promptly keep chat records related to the sale of virtual currencies to recreate the transaction process. Third, take timely screenshots of the orders from the trading platform. Currently, exchanges only retain transaction orders for six months; after this period, it becomes impossible to retrieve transaction orders, which is very disadvantageous for proving your legitimate transactions. Therefore, you must download and back up the records of cryptocurrency withdrawal orders in a timely manner. Make sure to follow the above procedures; otherwise, you might face a frozen bank card, loss of funds, and in serious cases, charges of aiding and abetting, leading to imprisonment. Stay updated; vana rez metis 6965256242154411097101
How to safely withdraw one million earned from cryptocurrency?

When it comes to cashing out virtual currencies, do you think you can just find any buyer to convert it easily? That's a big mistake. While it's true that the virtual currency is sold and the money is in hand, the consequence of such a simple sale is that nine out of ten receiving bank cards will be frozen. Once a bank card is frozen, in order to unfreeze it, the police will require you to provide evidence to prove your innocence.
To present evidence of a legitimate transaction, you must do the following before cashing out virtual currencies:
First, how much do you know about the buyer? This is often a question asked by the police. Cryptocurrency transactions are not like buying and selling goods; you have the duty to conduct reasonable due diligence. Before the transaction, verify the other party's account information, bank statements, and refuse transactions if the source of funds is unclear. Don't think that any profit is worth trading with just anyone.

Second, promptly keep chat records related to the sale of virtual currencies to recreate the transaction process.

Third, take timely screenshots of the orders from the trading platform. Currently, exchanges only retain transaction orders for six months; after this period, it becomes impossible to retrieve transaction orders, which is very disadvantageous for proving your legitimate transactions. Therefore, you must download and back up the records of cryptocurrency withdrawal orders in a timely manner. Make sure to follow the above procedures; otherwise, you might face a frozen bank card, loss of funds, and in serious cases, charges of aiding and abetting, leading to imprisonment.

Stay updated; vana rez metis
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Tips for cashing out in the cryptocurrency world: How to safely pocket 100 million yuan? Avoid these pitfalls and get your wealth safely!After making a considerable fortune in the cryptocurrency world, how to safely withdraw assets and realize cash is the ultimate challenge that every investor must face. Especially for novices, the withdrawal operation is full of risks and uncertainties. Suppose you have made 100 million and are preparing to withdraw funds. How can you avoid operational errors, avoid risks, and ensure that funds are withdrawn safely and smoothly? This withdrawal guide will analyze various withdrawal methods in detail for you and provide practical suggestions to help you achieve safe, efficient, and low-risk withdrawal operations.

Tips for cashing out in the cryptocurrency world: How to safely pocket 100 million yuan? Avoid these pitfalls and get your wealth safely!

After making a considerable fortune in the cryptocurrency world, how to safely withdraw assets and realize cash is the ultimate challenge that every investor must face. Especially for novices, the withdrawal operation is full of risks and uncertainties. Suppose you have made 100 million and are preparing to withdraw funds. How can you avoid operational errors, avoid risks, and ensure that funds are withdrawn safely and smoothly? This withdrawal guide will analyze various withdrawal methods in detail for you and provide practical suggestions to help you achieve safe, efficient, and low-risk withdrawal operations.
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How to withdraw funds safely? A must-read guide for cryptocurrency investorsIn October 2021, Wu used his bank account to receive and pay RMB funds for others, knowing that his bank account might be used for cybercrime. The cumulative amount of funds transferred into his account reached more than 50 million yuan, of which more than 10 million yuan was transferred by currency exchange personnel. Wu helped others evade foreign exchange supervision through the "RMB-USDT-Japanese Yen" transaction path, and was eventually identified as a disguised foreign exchange transaction, which constituted a criminal offense. To avoid similar risks, here are some suggestions and methods for safe withdrawal: Binance: As one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance provides a variety of trading products and high liquidity services. It holds compliance licenses in many countries and regions and has high security.

How to withdraw funds safely? A must-read guide for cryptocurrency investors

In October 2021, Wu used his bank account to receive and pay RMB funds for others, knowing that his bank account might be used for cybercrime. The cumulative amount of funds transferred into his account reached more than 50 million yuan, of which more than 10 million yuan was transferred by currency exchange personnel. Wu helped others evade foreign exchange supervision through the "RMB-USDT-Japanese Yen" transaction path, and was eventually identified as a disguised foreign exchange transaction, which constituted a criminal offense.

To avoid similar risks, here are some suggestions and methods for safe withdrawal:
Binance: As one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance provides a variety of trading products and high liquidity services. It holds compliance licenses in many countries and regions and has high security.
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I want to ask everyone, how can I withdraw money without easily encountering dirty money? Are there any good methods?
I want to ask everyone, how can I withdraw money without easily encountering dirty money? Are there any good methods?
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OTC Safe Withdrawal Anti-Freezing Card GuideIn November 2024, a friend suddenly mentioned that several small withdrawals led to being summoned by Uncle Hat and being charged with aiding and abetting a crime. 😭😭😭 In the end, I paid for bail and left a criminal record, which should be due to the funds from that withdrawal being dirty money, sourced from a telecom fraud. What is aiding and abetting a crime? The legal definition is, (Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China) Article 287-2 states that knowing that others are using information networks to commit crimes, providing them with technical support such as internet access, server hosting, network storage, communication transmission, or assistance such as advertising promotion, payment settlement, etc., constitutes serious behavior.

OTC Safe Withdrawal Anti-Freezing Card Guide

In November 2024, a friend suddenly mentioned that several small withdrawals led to being summoned by Uncle Hat and being charged with aiding and abetting a crime. 😭😭😭 In the end, I paid for bail and left a criminal record, which should be due to the funds from that withdrawal being dirty money, sourced from a telecom fraud.

What is aiding and abetting a crime? The legal definition is, (Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China) Article 287-2 states that knowing that others are using information networks to commit crimes, providing them with technical support such as internet access, server hosting, network storage, communication transmission, or assistance such as advertising promotion, payment settlement, etc., constitutes serious behavior.
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Is this remittance from Binance official? Will withdrawals be investigated by the police? Will domestic accounts be frozen? Has anyone tried it? #出金
Is this remittance from Binance official? Will withdrawals be investigated by the police? Will domestic accounts be frozen? Has anyone tried it? #出金
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$BTC $ETH {future}(ETHUSDT) Why do people nowadays feel more and more tired? In the eyes of most Chinese people, unemployment is anxiety and rest is a crime. From the age of 18, working until the age of 65, you have been working all your life. The terrible thing is that more than 40 years of work have not brought you a happy life. From elementary school, junior high school, high school, and college, it seems that everyone has been on the road, like a donkey that can never rest, working until the moment of death. Most people's lives are wrapped up in an invisible sense of anxiety. The middle school entrance examination, the college entrance examination, graduation, marriage, childbirth, and work are urged by someone at every step. You can't rest, you can't be alone, you can only do your best. If you are in your 30s, then unemployment is a huge sin. If you rest at home for 3 months, your family will treat you as a plague god. Only by making money and working continuously can you be a qualified person. Life is only 30,000 days long, and it seems that you have always lived for others, in order to let others say that you are an excellent person. Working hard, panicking, and anxious all my life, just to prove myself to others. Today, a friend asked me how to withdraw money, and I recommended him to use BiyaPay! BiyaPay is the world's first multi-asset trading wallet. Its digital currency to fiat currency trading provides investors with a new and more intuitive interface and trading experience. Users can easily exchange BTC, ETH, and other digital currencies with mainstream fiat currencies in real time. For cryptocurrency users, BiyaPay provides a safe and convenient B2C withdrawal solution, which effectively solves the card freezing and fund problems in OTC or C2C transactions. Users can deposit USDT to the remittance platform, easily convert to US dollars and withdraw money. ✌🏻️ #出金
Why do people nowadays feel more and more tired?
In the eyes of most Chinese people, unemployment is anxiety and rest is a crime. From the age of 18, working until the age of 65, you have been working all your life. The terrible thing is that more than 40 years of work have not brought you a happy life.
From elementary school, junior high school, high school, and college, it seems that everyone has been on the road, like a donkey that can never rest, working until the moment of death. Most people's lives are wrapped up in an invisible sense of anxiety. The middle school entrance examination, the college entrance examination, graduation, marriage, childbirth, and work are urged by someone at every step. You can't rest, you can't be alone, you can only do your best. If you are in your 30s, then unemployment is a huge sin. If you rest at home for 3 months, your family will treat you as a plague god.
Only by making money and working continuously can you be a qualified person.
Life is only 30,000 days long, and it seems that you have always lived for others, in order to let others say that you are an excellent person. Working hard, panicking, and anxious all my life, just to prove myself to others.
Today, a friend asked me how to withdraw money, and I recommended him to use BiyaPay!
BiyaPay is the world's first multi-asset trading wallet. Its digital currency to fiat currency trading provides investors with a new and more intuitive interface and trading experience. Users can easily exchange BTC, ETH, and other digital currencies with mainstream fiat currencies in real time. For cryptocurrency users, BiyaPay provides a safe and convenient B2C withdrawal solution, which effectively solves the card freezing and fund problems in OTC or C2C transactions. Users can deposit USDT to the remittance platform, easily convert to US dollars and withdraw money. ✌🏻️
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What should we do to provide evidence after our bank card is frozen?First, confirm with the bank whether the bank card was frozen due to bank risk control or police judicial freeze. If it is due to bank risk control, you need to go to the bank and explain the abnormal transaction flow of the account to the staff and provide corresponding evidence to support your claim. Once the staff approves, the risk control will be lifted. If the account has high-risk interception issues, such as being involved in gambling or fraud, or is on the police control or punishment list, you must first pass the police review to lift the control before the bank's risk control can be removed. If you encounter a police judicial freeze, the situation will be more complicated.

What should we do to provide evidence after our bank card is frozen?

First, confirm with the bank whether the bank card was frozen due to bank risk control or police judicial freeze. If it is due to bank risk control, you need to go to the bank and explain the abnormal transaction flow of the account to the staff and provide corresponding evidence to support your claim. Once the staff approves, the risk control will be lifted. If the account has high-risk interception issues, such as being involved in gambling or fraud, or is on the police control or punishment list, you must first pass the police review to lift the control before the bank's risk control can be removed. If you encounter a police judicial freeze, the situation will be more complicated.
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Why is the account classified and controlled?The status of your account (card) ending in XXXX is abnormal. Don't panic! To fully ensure the safety of your funds, our bank has suspended certain functionalities of this account, but incoming funds are unaffected. Please bring your valid ID and physical card to the counter to complete the identity verification process. If you see the above information, it means that your account has been classified and controlled by the bank. This is actually a common risk control measure. It usually manifests as a suspension of non-counter services, and in some cases, it may also be in a payment stop state, where the account can only receive funds but not make payments. So why is it being controlled like this? The main reasons are as follows:

Why is the account classified and controlled?

The status of your account (card) ending in XXXX is abnormal. Don't panic! To fully ensure the safety of your funds, our bank has suspended certain functionalities of this account, but incoming funds are unaffected. Please bring your valid ID and physical card to the counter to complete the identity verification process.
If you see the above information, it means that your account has been classified and controlled by the bank. This is actually a common risk control measure. It usually manifests as a suspension of non-counter services, and in some cases, it may also be in a payment stop state, where the account can only receive funds but not make payments. So why is it being controlled like this? The main reasons are as follows:
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Today I came across a young delivery worker who jumped into the river to commit suicide. Brothers may not know that Audi Brother has always been at the bottom level, and now there are more and more distressing things happening. In short, learn English well and seek opportunities abroad. Learn English well and look for opportunities abroad. There are too many people and too few resources in the country; most people are destined to struggle. Moreover, the education people receive nowadays is often excessive and not necessarily good. Education should be something that only the elite should be exposed to; otherwise, knowing too much while having extremely scarce material conditions can lead to a great emptiness in one's spiritual world. It’s better to go abroad and take a chance. Life and death are fated, and wealth and nobility are determined by heaven. This post is only for those with great ambition. Additionally, I want to say: cherish life; there are always opportunities as long as you are alive. Remember to find Audi Brother when you get money! Feeling distressed. $BTC $ETH $SOL #出金安全 #出金 #出入金 #冻卡问题 #冻卡 {spot}(SOLUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Today I came across a young delivery worker who jumped into the river to commit suicide. Brothers may not know that Audi Brother has always been at the bottom level, and now there are more and more distressing things happening. In short, learn English well and seek opportunities abroad.

Learn English well and look for opportunities abroad. There are too many people and too few resources in the country; most people are destined to struggle. Moreover, the education people receive nowadays is often excessive and not necessarily good. Education should be something that only the elite should be exposed to; otherwise, knowing too much while having extremely scarce material conditions can lead to a great emptiness in one's spiritual world. It’s better to go abroad and take a chance. Life and death are fated, and wealth and nobility are determined by heaven. This post is only for those with great ambition.

Additionally, I want to say: cherish life; there are always opportunities as long as you are alive. Remember to find Audi Brother when you get money!

Feeling distressed.
$BTC $ETH $SOL #出金安全 #出金 #出入金 #冻卡问题 #冻卡

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I’ll update this tutorial on withdrawing money at 6 or 7 o’clock in the evening. Don’t be dissatisfied if it’s the first time I post it. I’m very comfortable using it myself, so I posted it. Anyway, this should be very simple #BTC #Ethereum(ETH) #出金 #出金安全
I’ll update this tutorial on withdrawing money at 6 or 7 o’clock in the evening. Don’t be dissatisfied if it’s the first time I post it. I’m very comfortable using it myself, so I posted it. Anyway, this should be very simple #BTC #Ethereum(ETH) #出金 #出金安全
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U-card new perspective: revealing the secret of its working principle! Are you particularly curious about the U-card that can be used globally, especially how to turn it into money for our daily purchases? Let me tell you. First, you need a U-card, and then you need a digital currency such as USDT. You can use mobile apps, such as Binance, Little Fox Wallet, etc., to transfer USDT to your U-card. Then, you can use the U-card to consume in physical stores, or withdraw cash. At this time, the issuing bank of the U-card, such as Paytend, will automatically convert your USDT into RMB, US dollars or euros according to the market exchange rate. Then, the store receives RMB, and they don’t need to worry about digital currencies at all. This conversion process is completed by the issuer of the U-card for you overseas. In short, you use USDT to recharge the U-card, and then spend it like a normal bank card. The store receives the money they are familiar with, and you enjoy the convenience of digital currency. Isn’t it super convenient! If you have any questions about MasterCard, you can leave a message in the comment section, or you can read my top guide! #出金 #万事达卡 #万事达u卡
U-card new perspective: revealing the secret of its working principle!

Are you particularly curious about the U-card that can be used globally, especially how to turn it into money for our daily purchases? Let me tell you.

First, you need a U-card, and then you need a digital currency such as USDT. You can use mobile apps, such as Binance, Little Fox Wallet, etc., to transfer USDT to your U-card.

Then, you can use the U-card to consume in physical stores, or withdraw cash. At this time, the issuing bank of the U-card, such as Paytend, will automatically convert your USDT into RMB, US dollars or euros according to the market exchange rate.

Then, the store receives RMB, and they don’t need to worry about digital currencies at all. This conversion process is completed by the issuer of the U-card for you overseas.

In short, you use USDT to recharge the U-card, and then spend it like a normal bank card. The store receives the money they are familiar with, and you enjoy the convenience of digital currency. Isn’t it super convenient!

If you have any questions about MasterCard, you can leave a message in the comment section, or you can read my top guide!
#出金 #万事达卡 #万事达u卡
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