Below is the liquidation price formula for USDⓈ-M futures contracts under the cross margin mode:
WB | Wallet Balance |
TMM1 | Maintenance Margin of all other contracts, excluding Contract 1 (where contract 1 is the specific symbol for which the liquidation price is being calculated). If it is an isolated margin mode, then TMM=0, UPNL=0 |
UPNL1 | Unrealized PNL of all other contracts, excluding Contract 1 If it is an isolated margin mode, then UPNL=0 |
cumB | Maintenance Amount of BOTH positions (LONG or SHORT in one-way mode) |
cumL | Maintenance amount of LONG position (hedge mode) |
cumS | Maintenance amount of SHORT position (hedge mode) |
Side1BOTH | Direction of BOTH positions, 1 as long position, -1 as short position |
Position1BOTH | Absolute value of BOTH positions size (LONG or SHORT in one-way mode) |
EP1BOTH | Entry Price of BOTH positions (LONG or SHORT in one-way mode) |
Position1LONG | Absolute value of LONG position size (hedge mode) |
EP1LONG | Entry Price of LONG position (hedge mode) |
Position1SHORT | Absolute value of SHORT position size (hedge mode) |
EP1SHORT | Entry Price of SHORT position (hedge mode) |
MMR B | Maintenance margin rate of BOTH position (one-way mode) |
MMR L | Maintenance margin rate of LONG position (hedge mode) |
MMR S | Maintenance margin rate of SHORT position (hedge mode) |
MP | The latest mark price of Contract 1 |
You can find the “Maintenance Margin Rate” from the table below with the position value in USDT.
For example, if the position size of a USDT-margined BTCUSDT contract is 264,000 USDT, then the maintenance margin rate would be 1% (or 0.01).
You can find the “Maintenance Amount” from the table below with the position value in USDT. For example, if the position size of a USDT-margined BTCUSDT contract is 500,000 USDT, then the maintenance amount would be 1,300 USDT.
Maintenance Margin = Position Notional * Maintenance Margin Rate on the level of position notional - Maintenance Amount on the level of position notional
For example, you have 10 BTCUSDT perpetual positions, and the latest mark price is 26,000. The position value is calculated as 10 * 26,000 = 260,000, which is located in the margin level 3. Thus, we can know the corresponding Maintenance Margin Rate and Maintenance Amount and substitute in the above formula:
Maintenance Margin = 10 * 26,000 * 1% - 1,300 = 1,300 USDT
All maintenance margin rates and amounts of USDⓈ-M futures contracts are available on theLeverage & Margin page.
(WB) Wallet Balance = 1,535,443.01
Positions | Size | Entry Price | Mark Price | Liquidation Price | PNL |
ETHUSDT Perpetual | 3,683.979 ETH | 1,456.84 | 1,335.18 | 1153.26 | -448,192.89 |
BTCUSDT Perpetual | 109.488 BTC | 32,481.98 | 31,967.27 | 26,316.89 | -56,354.57 |
You may find your maintenance margin rates and amounts through the tables above, as highlighted in the following image.
Taking into account that Maintenance margin = Notional value * Maintenance Margin rate-cum
Notional Value = Price * Size
Maintenance Margin of ETHUSDT = 356,512.508 (4918775.081 * 10.00% - 135365).
(WB) Wallet Balance = 1,535,443.01
(TMM1) Maintenance Margin of all other contracts, excluding Contract 1 = 71200.81144
(UPNL1) Unrealized PNL of all other contracts, excluding Contract 1 = -56,354.57
(cumB) Maintenance Amount of BOTH position (LONG or SHORT in one-way mode) = 135,365.00
(cumL) Maintenance amount of LONG position (hedge mode) = 0
(cumS) Maintenance amount of SHORT position (hedge mode) = 0
(Side1BOTH) Direction of BOTH position, 1 as long position, -1 as short position = 1
(Position1BOTH) Absolute value of BOTH position size (LONG or SHORT in one-way mode) = 3,683.979
(EP1BOTH) Entry Price of BOTH position (LONG or SHORT in one-way mode) =1,456.84
(Position1LONG) Absolute value of LONG position size (hedge mode) = 0
(EP1LONG) Entry Price of LONG position (hedge mode) = 0
(Position1SHORT) Absolute value of SHORT position size (hedge mode) = 0
(EP1SHORT) Entry Price of SHORT position (hedge mode) = 0
(MMRB) Maintenance margin rate of BOTH position (LONG or SHORT in one-way mode) = 10%
(MMRL) Maintenance margin rate of LONG position (hedge mode) = 0
(MMRS) Maintenance margin rate of SHORT position (hedge mode) = 0
Taking into account that Maintenance margin=Notional value*Maintenance Margin rate-cum
Notional Value = Price * Size
Maintenance Margin of BTCUSDT = 71200.81144 (3500032.458 * 2.50% - 16300).
(WB) Wallet Balance = 1,535,443.01
(TMM1) Maintenance Margin of all other contracts, excluding Contract 1 = 356,512.508
(UPNL1) Unrealized PNL of all other contracts, excluding Contract 1 = -448,192.89
(cumB) Maintenance Amount of BOTH position (LONG or SHORT in one-way mode) = 16,300.000
(cumL) Maintenance amount of LONG position (hedge mode) = 0.
(cumS) Maintenance amount of SHORT position (hedge mode) = 0
(Side1BOTH) Direction of BOTH position, 1 as long position, -1 as short position = 1
(Position1BOTH) Absolute value of BOTH position size (LONG or SHORT in one-way mode) = 109.488
(EP1BOTH) Entry Price of BOTH position (LONG or SHORT in one-way mode) =32,481.980
(Position1LONG) Absolute value of LONG position size (hedge mode) = 0
(EP1LONG) Entry Price of LONG position (hedge mode) = 0
(Position1SHORT) Absolute value of SHORT position size (hedge mode) = 0
(EP1SHORT) Entry Price of SHORT position (hedge mode) = 0
(MMRB) Maintenance margin rate of BOTH position (LONG or SHORT in one-way mode) = 2.50%
(MMRL) Maintenance margin rate of LONG position (hedge mode) = 0
(MMRS) Maintenance margin rate of SHORT position (hedge mode) = 0
With this information and by inputting the appropriate information in the formula we can see that the Liquidation Price for the ETHUSDT contract = 1153.26 and for BTCUSDT =26,316.89
Please note that there may be a slight variation due to decimals.