$SEED The expected listing price for SEED can vary based on the liquidity pool. If the token's liquidity is higher (close to $1 billion), the price could be as high as $50 per token, but with a smaller liquidity pool, it might drop to around $5
Research Room
. Currently, the price of SEED is listed at about $0.0075
, with market activity suggesting a modest rise in recent hours.
In crypto trading, candlestick charts are a popular tool for understanding price action and market sentiment. Each candlestick represents the price movement of a specific time period and provides traders with visual insights into market behavior.
A green candlestick indicates that the asset's price increased during the time period, closing higher than it opened. A red candlestick, on the other hand, shows that the price decreased, with the closing price being lower than the opening price
Recent prices for HMSTR fluctuate around $0.0039 to $0.0086, depending on market trends. It has a fully diluted market cap of $320.82 million and significant trading volume, reflecting growing interest in its ecosystem