Binance Square


My big fantasy a lot of money 💰
0 Sledite
24 Sledilci
33 Všečkano
1 Deljeno
Vsa vsebina
$AVA everything is possible in crypto
everything is possible in crypto
$1MBABYDOGE short now profit is yours and loses are mine short now short now
$1MBABYDOGE short now profit is yours and loses are mine
short now short now
historical moments
historical moments
hope alive
no Hope
63 glasov • Glasovanje zaključeno
86 glasov • Glasovanje zaključeno
why sudden pump happened
why sudden pump happened
77 glasov • Glasovanje zaključeno
100% guarante see results in 24 hours if you want #BTC to be bullish send me $1k I will open Short entry in #BTC next day it will hit 90k definitely 😁 because every time market goes against me same like if you want $BTC to be bearish send me $1k will open a long entry in it and next day see $BTC will at 30k $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
100% guarante
see results in 24 hours
if you want #BTC to be bullish
send me $1k I will open Short entry in #BTC next day it will hit 90k definitely 😁
because every time market goes against me
same like if you want $BTC to be bearish send me $1k will open a long entry in it and next day see $BTC will at 30k
btc pump
btc slump
59 glasov • Glasovanje zaključeno
if you had longed/short any coin and you are in lose tell me about that coin i will take entry in it it will definitely start going against me and in this way you will exit 😭#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)
if you had longed/short any coin
and you are in lose tell me about that coin i
will take entry in it
it will definitely start going against me and in this way you will exit 😭#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert $BTC
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