Binance Square
Vsa vsebina
It means that the currency has very few operations
It means that the currency has very few operations
$BTTC anyone explain this type of pattern?
I remember 🤑 here some shares. I start short at 65 to zero
I remember 🤑 here some shares. I start short at 65 to zero
free free
ضحايا عملة luna
#luna# ضحايا عملة لونا: كارثة العملات المشفرة التي هزت العالم $LUNA
انهيار عملة لونا كان أحد أكبر الأحداث في عالم العملات المشفرة، حيث تسبب في خسائر فادحة لمئات الآلاف من المستثمرين. هذا الحدث سلط الضوء على المخاطر المرتبطة بالاستثمار في العملات المشفرة، وخاصة تلك التي لا تخضع لتنظيم حكومي كافٍ.
### ما هي عملة لونا؟
لونا كانت عملة مشفرة مرتبطة بمشروع تيرا، والذي كان يهدف إلى ربط قيمة عملة مستقرة تدعى UST بالدولار الأمريكي. ومع ذلك، فشلت هذه الآلية في الحفاظ على الاستقرار، مما أدى إلى انهيار كل من UST ولونا وفقدانهما لقيمتهما بشكل شبه كامل.
### من هم ضحايا لونا؟
*المستثمرون الصغار:** أكثر من تعرضوا للخسائر، حيث فقد الكثير منهم مدخراتهم بأكملها.
*المستثمرون المؤسسيون:** بعض الشركات والصناديق الاستثمارية خسرت مبالغ طائلة.
*المطورون:** الفريق الذي عمل على تطوير مشروع تيرا، بما في ذلك مؤسسه دو كوون، تعرضوا لانتقادات شديدة وخسروا سمعتهم.
### أسباب الانهيار:
*الآلية المعقدة:** كانت آلية ربط UST بالدولار معقدة للغاية، وكانت عرضة للتقلبات في السوق.
*سحب السيولة:** بدأ المستثمرون بسحب أموالهم من النظام، مما أدى إلى انهيار الثقة في العملة.
*الافتقار إلى التنظيم:** لم يكن هناك تنظيم كافٍ لمشروع تيرا، مما سمح بحدوث مثل هذه الكارثة.
### العواقب:
*خسائر مالية فادحة:** فقد المستثمرون مليارات الدولارات.
*تآكل الثقة:** تسبب الانهيار في تآكل الثقة في سوق العملات المشفرة بشكل عام.
*التدقيق الحكومي:** أدى الحدث إلى زيادة التدقيق الحكومي على سوق العملات المشفرة.
*التحقيقات القانونية:** تم فتح تحقيقات قانونية ضد مؤسسي مشروع تيرا.
### الدروس المستفادة:
*المخاطر المرتبطة بالعملات المشفرة:** يجب على المستثمرين أن يكونوا على دراية بالمخاطر المرتبطة بالاستثمار في العملات المشفرة، وأن يستثثموا فقط الأموال التي يستطيعون تحمل خسارتها.
*أهمية التنظيم:** يجب أن تخضع العملات المشفرة لتنظيم حكومي كافٍ لحماية المستثمرين.
*الحاجة إلى الشفافية:** يجب أن تكون المشاريع المرتبطة بالعملات المشفرة شفافة تمامًا، وأن تقدم معلومات كافية للمستثمرين.
### ما الذي يجب على المستثمرين فعله؟
*التعليم:** تعلم المزيد عن العملات المشفرة وكيف تعمل.
*التنويع:** لا تضع كل أموالك في استثمار واحد.
*الحذر من الوعود الخيالية:** لا تصدق الوعود التي تعد بعوائد عالية في وقت قصير.
*استشارة الخبراء:** استشر خبيرًا ماليًا قبل اتخاذ أي قرار استثماري.
الانهيار الذي تعرضت له عملة لونا هو تذكير قوي بأن سوق العملات المشفرة لا يزال سوقًا ناشئًا، ويتضمن مخاطر كبيرة.
هل لديك أي أسئلة أخرى حول انهيار عملة لونا أو العملات المشفرة بشكل عام؟
ملاحظة: هذا الشرح يهدف إلى تقديم نظرة عامة على الحدث، ولا يعد نصيحة استثمارية.
قد تكون مهتمًا أيضًا بهذه المواضيع:
*دو كوون:** مؤسس مشروع تيرا.
*العملات المستقرة:** ما هي وكيف تعمل.
*البلوك تشين:** التكنولوجيا الأساسية للعملات المشفرة.
موارد مفيدة:
*المقالات الإخبارية:** ابحث عن مقالات إخبارية حول انهيار لونا لفهم تفاصيل أكثر.
*المنتديات والمجموعات:** انضم إلى منتديات ومجموعات لمناقشة هذا الحدث مع الآخرين.
*الخبراء الماليون:** استشر خبيرًا ماليًا للحصول على نصائح مخصصة.
تذكر دائمًا أن إجراء بحثك الخاص قبل اتخاذ أي قرار استثماري.
Go live on tiktok and you will receive money from AI, supposedly they are generous users who give away money just because... Here there are real men behind the screen and no one in their right mind will give you a cent
Go live on tiktok and you will receive money from AI, supposedly they are generous users who give away money just because... Here there are real men behind the screen and no one in their right mind will give you a cent
Quien es tan amable de regalarme 10 dólares para iniciar en Binance fui estafado y quiero poder generar en Binance claro con ayuda de todos y que me guíen por favor, un apoyo a la comunidad prometo que la recompensa será grande a largo plazo gracias a todos.
Out of futures... Find more money and start again.
Out of futures... Find more money and start again.
Hi everyone I have started my journey in binance from June. I started my account with $350. After getting a lot of wrong signals in future trading . I left with only $24. I don't know 😔 what to do now. I am sooo disappointed. I am surprised at how people are making a huge profit .Plz all expert traders I need your guidance.
WLD 1300? are you crazy? no more than u$d100/200 per coin. Rest in POL, XRP, XLM, SOL, ADA, ICP, FET, TRX, ARB, GALA, PEPE, DOGE, and some more. Diversity, no more 100 or 200 per coin. Find hard coins. No risk. Only 2 or 3 risk coins max no more
WLD 1300? are you crazy? no more than u$d100/200 per coin. Rest in POL, XRP, XLM, SOL, ADA, ICP, FET, TRX, ARB, GALA, PEPE, DOGE, and some more. Diversity, no more 100 or 200 per coin. Find hard coins. No risk. Only 2 or 3 risk coins max no more
Que consejo me dan. $
At the first time doyou use p2p for add your money and buy USDT. TRADE>P2P. Never buy currencies directly through the platform. In P2P you buy from other users without raising suspicions with the tax authorities.👇
At the first time doyou use p2p for add your money and buy USDT. TRADE>P2P. Never buy currencies directly through the platform. In P2P you buy from other users without raising suspicions with the tax authorities.👇
buenas noches me podrían ayudar hace años abrí esta cuenta por curiosidad y la dejé abandonada hoy la retomo y como nunca aprendí nada por eso les pido consejos en estos momentos
For those who don't know, Bitcoin is a copy of Utorrent protocol that runs on the torrent network, basically BTC is a modified torrent protocol where data packets are the equivalent units of 1btc. That's why the torrent network is the mother of BTC and BTTC is of utmost relevance
For those who don't know, Bitcoin is a copy of Utorrent protocol that runs on the torrent network, basically BTC is a modified torrent protocol where data packets are the equivalent units of 1btc. That's why the torrent network is the mother of BTC and BTTC is of utmost relevance
BTTC di Binance
Sebagai salah satu token yang terus diperdagangkan di Binance, $BTTC mempertahankan relevansinya meskipun sering dikritik sebagai "koin sampah". Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa $BTTC tetap eksis di Binance:
1. Likuiditas Tinggi:
Binance menyediakan pasangan perdagangan BTTC dengan likuiditas yang baik, memungkinkan pengguna untuk membeli dan menjual token ini dengan mudah.
2. Ekosistem yang Aktif:
BTTC tetap memiliki basis pengguna yang besar, terutama di kalangan pengguna BitTorrent yang telah ada sebelumnya.
3. Dukungan Binance:
Eksistensi di Binance memberi BTTC tingkat kredibilitas tertentu, karena Binance cenderung mempertahankan token yang memiliki volume perdagangan aktif.
Apakah BTTC Layak Dimiliki?
1. Koneksi dengan BitTorrent:
Sebagai bagian dari ekosistem BitTorrent, BTTC memiliki potensi utilitas dalam aplikasi berbagi file.
2. Biaya Rendah:
Harga BTTC yang rendah membuatnya terjangkau bagi investor pemula atau spekulan.
3. Potensi Staking:
Pengguna dapat mempertimbangkan staking BTTC untuk mendapatkan imbalan pasif.
1. Kurangnya Adopsi Nyata:
Meskipun berbasis pada BitTorrent, adopsi blockchain-nya di kalangan pengguna mainstream masih terbatas.
2. Stigma sebagai "Koin Sampah":
Rendahnya harga dan volatilitas tinggi membuat BTTC sering dikategorikan sebagai aset spekulatif tanpa fundamental yang kuat.
3. Kompetisi Ketat:
Dengan banyaknya blockchain yang lebih maju dan memiliki ekosistem yang lebih solid, BTTC menghadapi tantangan besar untuk tetap relevan.
Kenapa BTTC Tetap Eksis?
Meski sering dianggap "sampah," BTTC memiliki karakteristik yang membuatnya tetap bertahan:
Volume Perdagangan Aktif:
Selalu ada trader yang memanfaatkan fluktuasi harga BTTC untuk spekulasi.
Utilitas yang Terbatas tetapi Nyata:
BTTC masih relevan dalam ekosistem BitTorrent, meskipun adopsinya belum meluas.
Pasar Spekulatif:
BTTC menarik bagi trader dengan modal kecil yang mencari keuntungan besar dari fluktuasi harga.
Jadi, apakah BTTC layak dimiliki? Jawabannya bergantung pada tujuan investasi Anda:
Jika Anda Spekulan:
BTTC bisa menjadi peluang untuk trading jangka pendek karena volatilitasnya.
Jika Anda Investor Jangka Panjang:
Kaji lebih dalam tentang prospek proyek ini, terutama dalam hal adopsi teknologi dan utilitas nyata di masa depan.
Meskipun sering dianggap koin "sampah," BTTC menunjukkan bahwa eksistensinya di Binance bukan tanpa alasan.
I don't understand people who see shit, think it's shit and eat shit... Sir! Keep going, don't bother with your shit and let those of us who know how to invest in the market to make money. POL is one of the most promising alts on the market. It has the lowest fee, just USDT 0.005
I don't understand people who see shit, think it's shit and eat shit... Sir! Keep going, don't bother with your shit and let those of us who know how to invest in the market to make money. POL is one of the most promising alts on the market. It has the lowest fee, just USDT 0.005
$POL bu sistemdeki en boktan proje ne olduğu belirsiz projelere Bi bakın nerelerde POL e Bi bakın daha yükselişe geçme umudu yok hala düşmek için btc nin kafasını aşşağıya yemesini bekliyor böyle boktan bir projeye para yatırmayın ben yatırdığım için aşırı pişmanım 0.31 0.26 0.18 0.14 bu rakamları 2025 yılında kesin görecek çünkü sistemin en zayıf halkası sürekli satış oluyor borsalarda insanlar satıp kaçıyor 1 $ olmasi için 2026 senesine ihtiyacınız var ath görmesi için 2028 4 5 $ olmasi için 2030 senesinde anca zamanı gelince beni anlayacaksınız altkoinlerin zamanı 2025 değil bu sadece kandırmaca 2028 ve 2030 bu seneler de olcak ne olacak sa
Those were the good old days. Trading on M1 timeframe until 7am when I open the last position with SL of -30% and go to sleep. I wake up with a start and wow +2622% surprise. I started with Luna at 65 when I said to myself: this is going to go to zero. Time to short.. some shares
Those were the good old days. Trading on M1 timeframe until 7am when I open the last position with SL of -30% and go to sleep. I wake up with a start and wow +2622% surprise. I started with Luna at 65 when I said to myself: this is going to go to zero. Time to short.. some shares
This is the biggest crypto scam in history

The investors lost 40$ Billion dollar in just one day. Here's the untold story of what happened.

Should $LUNC Grow up or still in 0.000108...
In my opinion it's growing.

Give your opinions in the comment.

Rei das Criptomoedas
Atenção, galera das criptos. Elon Musk atacou novamente.

Numa virada de ano surpreendente, o bilionário mudou seu perfil no X e fez uma memecoin disparar 600%. Isso mesmo, a Kekius explodiu depois que Musk virou 'Kekius Maximus' e colocou o Pepe the Frog na foto. Mas não para por aí. A PepeCoin também surfou na onda e subiu 7%. Enquanto isso, o Bitcoin tá lutando pra se manter nos 93 mil dólares. Musk já fez isso antes, lembram da Dogecoin? Mas agora, parece que ele tá mirando no mercado cripto como um todo. Será que vem mais pump por aí? Fiquem ligados, porque com Musk, a gente nunca sabe o que esperar.
CHATGPT: Donald Trump, if he is sworn in as president after an election, will do so on January 20. That is the official date of the presidential inauguration in the United States, established by the 20th Amendment to the Constitution.
CHATGPT: Donald Trump, if he is sworn in as president after an election, will do so on January 20. That is the official date of the presidential inauguration in the United States, established by the 20th Amendment to the Constitution.
"Get ahead of the curve: Prepare your $PEPE strategy before the crypto market's potential shakeup on January 4th, 2025!"
If You Hold $PEPE Coin, Here's What to Do Before Trump Re-enters Office on January 4th

As speculation mounts around Donald Trump’s anticipated return to office on January 4th, 2025, experts predict significant shifts in the cryptocurrency market. If you're holding a $PEPE coin, here are key steps to consider:

1. Stay Informed:
Political transitions often impact financial markets. Trump's policies could influence crypto regulations, taxation, or adoption. Follow the news closely to anticipate market trends.

2. Evaluate Your Portfolio:
Assess whether $PEPE aligns with your long-term investment goals. Meme coins can be volatile, so consider rebalancing your portfolio if necessary.

3. Set Price Alerts:
Market volatility is expected leading up to and after January 4th. Use price alerts to monitor sudden movements and react swiftly.

4. Have a Strategy:
Decide if you plan to HODL, sell, or buy more $PEPE. Stick to your plan and avoid emotional decisions during market turbulence.

5. Secure Your Holdings:
Ensure your $PEPE and other crypto assets are stored in secure wallets. Avoid leaving large amounts on exchanges.

January 4th is shaping up to be a pivotal date for the crypto market. Whether you're in it for the memes or the long haul, preparation is key!

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Always do your own research before making investment decisions.

#pepecoin #cryptocurrency #Trump2025 #Binance
Those who gave their iris will be the ones who get scammed. Nobody understood that “they” will have the key to their life in their hands. Let’s do the math. 2 billion people scanned. Average 8 USD = 16 billion dollars invested. Who is behind this? Who finances WLD? Think about it
Those who gave their iris will be the ones who get scammed. Nobody understood that “they” will have the key to their life in their hands. Let’s do the math. 2 billion people scanned. Average 8 USD = 16 billion dollars invested. Who is behind this? Who finances WLD? Think about it
Worldcoin must delete all iris scan data, watchdog says

Worldcoin (WLD) has recently faced scrutiny over data confidentiality concerns, particularly regarding its collection of biometric data through iris scans.

Regulators in several countries, including Spain and Hong Kong, have raised privacy issues, leading to orders for the deletion of collected data and suspension of operations in certain regions.

In today's digital landscape, distinguishing between humans and AI-driven entities is increasingly challenging. Verified digital identities are becoming essential for secure interactions online.

Worldcoin offers a free digital ID designed to validate transactions across web3 platforms, aiming to provide proof of personhood without compromising personal information.

Despite the controversies, Worldcoin's approach to digital identity could play a significant role in the future of online security and interactions.

Its current market position may not fully reflect its potential impact in the realm of Real World Assets (RWAs).

For a comprehensive understanding of its technology and vision, reviewing the project's white paper is recommended.
I lost much money for tradings in futures. Since 2 monts I not curse any aperation. I most rentable in spot, Is most secure
I lost much money for tradings in futures. Since 2 monts I not curse any aperation. I most rentable in spot, Is most secure
big loss
Personally i feel future trading disconforting me as a bigginer. I almost lost my whale bugdet 3 times. Goodbye mates.
The rule to be profitable is not to operate in futures. Futures only in obvious bullish and obvious bearish. The problem is that patience betrays us...
The rule to be profitable is not to operate in futures. Futures only in obvious bullish and obvious bearish. The problem is that patience betrays us...
big loss
Personally i feel future trading disconforting me as a bigginer. I almost lost my whale bugdet 3 times. Goodbye mates.
$BTC The graphic in 4 huors I dont like anything
$BTC The graphic in 4 huors I dont like anything
Well, you should do some research. I've done it myself... In this case it's different than how a company does it. I clarify that my thesis is that there is a high probability, it's not a reality, okay?
Well, you should do some research. I've done it myself... In this case it's different than how a company does it. I clarify that my thesis is that there is a high probability, it's not a reality, okay?
Kristofer Stradtner BvLo
que deducción patética, si es así ya hace rato cualquier empresa potencia lo hace si quiere... deberías de informarte antes, si no quedarás como un ignorante..
I remember...
I remember...
Kennedy Anjos
Quem está no mercado cripto há mais tempo deve lembrar do caso da Terra Luna. Na época, o token LUNA estava entre as 10 moedas com maior capitalização de mercado. No entanto, em maio de 2022, ela sofreu uma queda de 99%, saindo de $119 para praticamente $0. A maior parte da queda aconteceu em poucas horas. A queda impactou todo o mercado cripto; até o Bitcoin reagiu.

⚠️Apenas para lembrar dos riscos do mundo cripto.
I don't use social media. I don't have any. I only read X (Twitter) to keep myself informed.
I don't use social media. I don't have any. I only read X (Twitter) to keep myself informed.
lo dice quien me imagino, ya le regaló toda su vida a meta, facebook, WhatsApp,tiktok y un sin fin mas
Yes, I know it and I know it very well in depth... In fact, I myself have a significant investment in WLD. Although I do not like its practical purposes, I see a lot of financial potential in the medium term. It may not be ethical, but investments are investments.
Yes, I know it and I know it very well in depth... In fact, I myself have a significant investment in WLD. Although I do not like its practical purposes, I see a lot of financial potential in the medium term. It may not be ethical, but investments are investments.
John Söria
y lo vuelvo a decir si no sabes cómo llega el dinero o conose obtiene líquides en las crypto que haces aquí?
Google, Banks, Fintechs, etc. use biometric data as a secure ID to access their accounts. Now WLD has bought the data without any compensation. It is more than obvious that they will use it for something. Nobody invests so much money in nothing.
Google, Banks, Fintechs, etc. use biometric data as a secure ID to access their accounts. Now WLD has bought the data without any compensation. It is more than obvious that they will use it for something. Nobody invests so much money in nothing.
Those who gave their iris will be the ones who are scammed. Nobody understood that "they" will have the key to their life in their hands. Let's do the math. 2 billion people scanned. Average 8 USD = 16 billion dollars invested. Who is behind it? Who finances WLD? Think about it
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