Robert Kiyosaki: Bitcoin is moving into the "Banana Zone."

Kiyosaki believes that Raoul Pal, a former high-ranking executive at Goldman Sachs and the author of this concept, knows what he’s talking about.

🍌 The "Banana Zone" means that #bitcoin☀️ is becoming parabolic, making people regret not buying more.

📈💰#Kiyosaki shared that it was Pal’s advice that led him to invest in Bitcoin when it was $6,000. Today, those Bitcoins are worth around $60,000, and Kiyosaki continues to buy more every month.

He emphasizes that Bitcoin, as "rules-based money," can make people richer, unlike government-issued "debt-based" fiat money. He advises holding on tight as #Bitcoin❗ enters this exciting phase.

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