📈 💰 During each #BullMarkets peak, the Ethereum Foundation has historically sold significant volumes of #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 . This practice has been noted as a strategic move to capitalize on high prices and potentially secure funding for future development initiatives.

👀 In the current cycle, however, there haven't been notable $ETH sales from the foundation yet. This could imply several scenarios: either the anticipated price peak is still ahead, prompting them to hold onto their #assets , or they have opted for a different approach this time around. 🧐

💲 Perhaps they are prioritizing long-term holdings to align with broader strategic goals or have adjusted their financial strategy based on market dynamics and institutional developments. It remains to be seen how their stance will evolve as the market continues to unfold.🤔

#CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments