How do you make more than a simple x10 in crypto on your bag?

I'll let you in on a secret, you just need to understand math to master it....

Yet the majority of Bullrun investors won't.

It's called the Crypto Multiplier.

Okay, I just made up the name...

But get this:

You buy Solana for $20 and sell it for $100 = you've multiplied your bag by 5.

If you keep it for, say, $260, you've multiplied it by 13.

But once you've sold it at x5, if you put it back into other tokens which then make a new multiplier.

Let's take $VRA as an example. Let's say you put your Solana x5 back in here, and you come out with a new x5 on $VRA.

And one last move because you're greedy on Phala Network with a small x3...

So how much in the end?

Starting capital x 5 (SOL) x 5 (VRA) x 3 (PHALA) = Starting capital x 75

That's how most people got rich in 2021.

Yes, it's an ideal scenario, but if you succeed, you'll leave with a huge bag, whereas if you had Hold, you'd settle for x 13 (which is already excellent).

Not Financial advice


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