What is Money Laundering?

Imagine winning 5 million in the lottery. Elated at first, you become disheartened when you realize you'll need to pay 20% (1 million) in taxes. You post on Zhihu, "How can I avoid taxes on my 5 million lottery winnings?" Someone contacts you, meets you, and offers 5 million in cash in exchange for your lottery ticket. This is money laundering.

A developer wants to bribe an official, so he instructs the official to buy a house. After the deposit is paid and the contract signed, the developer breaches the contract and sells the house to someone else, compensating the official 5 million. With a contract and legal terms in place, it's a perfectly disguised bribe.

A man steals 10 million yuan and wants to buy an 8 million yuan house. He takes the cash to Macau, loses 2 million yuan in the casino, and then asks the casino to transfer 8 million yuan to his bank account. Using the casino as a buffer, it's difficult for authorities to trace the origin of the funds.

A boss spends 30,000 yuan on a family trip but lacks an invoice. He writes a note to the accountant, who then buys a 30,000 yuan invoice from an illegal vendor for 2,000 yuan. Now, 32,000 yuan is entered into the company’s accounts: 30,000 for the boss, 2,000 for the vendor.

The boss spends 5,000 yuan on a family dinner and has an invoice. He submits the invoice to the accountant for reimbursement, who includes it in the company's business entertainment expenses and gives the boss 5,000 yuan in cash.

The boss buys a house for 1 million yuan but has no invoice. He writes a note to the accountant, who struggles to find a 1 million yuan invoice. Instead, the company purchases a vase for 1.1 million yuan in the boss’s name, lists it as a fixed asset, and depreciates it monthly. The boss receives 1 million yuan, and the agent auction company gets 100,000 yuan.