Crypto is so well-known to public now a days that everybody wants to invest in crypto and in hurry to become a millionaire.Thats possible too but for the meantime a lot of strategies are needed to be practiced by investors to get a potential coin and also by market developers to get a boost in a certain coin.

What are Airdrops in Crypto?

 Airdrops are one of the technical and sharp strategy by market developers to give a boost to a certain coin. This strategy is beneficial for both investors and market makers .As a result market would get access to common real millions of investors in no time and investors would get millions of free tokens . Airdrops are so popular to get free coins or some times against a very minimal amount to be hold or to be paid as gas fees. But for airdrops a proper investigation is required to be done also because there could be a scam too , however we will learn about different types of  airdrops and how can we participate to get more airdrops?

Different types of Airdrops

 Different types of airdrops are👇🏻

  • Standard

  • Bounties

  • Holders 

  • Referrals

Standard Airdrops

This is the most simple and easy type of airdrops, no tasks or complex process is required to get qualify.

How to participate in Standard Airdrops?

Just to signup simply for a certain airdrop project directly , connect the required wallet and become eligible for minimum amount of airdrop.

Bounty Airdrops

An Airdrop that is distributed against the completion of certain tasks given is called bounties or bounty airdrops.

How to participate in bounties?

First search for a legitimate coin airdrops through trustworthy resources. Go for official website or app. Follow the tasks ,these tasks are very easy to be done like 

👉🏻 follow  the community,

👉🏻 follow the twitter page ,

👉🏻 attach the certain asked wallet ,

👉🏻 follow on telegram ,

👉🏻 subscribe the YouTube channel and

👉🏻 Refer to friends ,etc.

When required tasks are done completely you are ready to claim the reward accordingly.Pic is uploaded just for a reference.

Referral Airdrops

In this airdrop program if some one refer the certain page or coin to some one other they both become eligible to get airdrops according to the policy.

How to participate in referral Airdrops?

There would be specific referral code allotted to you, if you will send invite to your friends to join the same airdrop program through your specific code you would receive referral airdrops as reward.Pic is uploaded just for a reference ,

Holder or Exclusive Airdrops

These airdrops are given to specific investors who are already holding the same coin before , on fulfilment of some minimum criteria required they are given different sizes of certain airdrops. 

How to participate in Holder airdrops?

Someone should hold certain coin to get these airdrops.Pic is uploaded just for a reference ,

My own real life example of Airdrops.

I have multiple experience regarding airdrops , first binance is the main source ,I astonished when I saw (minimum amount) airdrops in my binance spot wallet through launchpad ,earn and launch pool. Mostly they delivered me HOLDER type of airdrops.

My 2nd experience is when I received 1 million of doky/sol as bounty airdrops , doky was a fabulous experience for me , tasks are very easy to complete, after I got more confident and got #NOT airdrops, now tens of my airdrops are on the way.

Strategies for finding and participating in different types of airdrops.

In this era of internet ,what the least thing that is impossible ," nothing at all".

If someone seeks to know about airdrops there are a lot of options to follow

  • lookup to different parallel websites ,

    there are a lot of websites that are made to acknowledge people about upcoming airdrops. To participate in gather information about airdrops and follow the instructions accordingly and claim your reward.

  • In touch with different communities

    like on telegram that is very famous to get airdrops now a days . Join the certain community and follow the latest news to participate in airdrops project.

  • Twitter or X is also a very reliable source to get instant news about a certain coin/token/airdrop . As officials always use X to announce any particular news about airdrops.Always follow the right time and right date mentioned in X.

  • Referral

    Referral is another trustworthy way to get participation in airdrops.

After completing all the tasks the main important thing is to attach a wallet , ofcourse this is so risky so for this, one should know that the project is accurate and not a scam . After giving access to wallet some minimal gas fees "to pay" would be required that can be any coin most probably #ETH and #SOL are asked, after, many others like #sui, #ton ,#arb ,#sai and #zk etc are asked too . After paying, now you are ready to see a successful airdrop , hurray!


@Richard Teng

@Binance Customer Support

@Binance Square Official