
Hey guys! as what I have said, $DOT

the @Polkadot Network is making

significant steps in the AI industry.

With its unique parachains, strong

decentralized infrastructure, and

expanding range of projects,

Polkadot is undertaking major

AI challenges head-on.

Significant projects like @origin_trail

and @PhalaNetwork are particularly

promising and worth following closely

which have a real-world AI applications


📌@PhalaNetwork acts as a verifiable computation layer for Web3 applications. It provides an AI coprocessor for blockchains, enabling efficient computation and data verification.

📌@origin_trail utilizes Polkadot to create decentralized knowledge graphs that store, manage, and verify data essential for training AI models

It's exciting to see decentralized AI gaining momentum!.

Disclaimer - Always remember to do your own research before making any decision.

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