Hi Binancians,
We're excited to announce that Binance Square's newest updates are now live in app version 2.84. For a smoother and more efficient browsing experience, we recommend updating your app. Here is a breakdown of our latest features:
Add Posts to Bookmarks, and Track Your Liked History
Save your favorite posts for later viewing by adding them to Bookmarks. Easily track the content you've liked in the Creator Center. Experience a simpler way to manage content that intrigues you on Binance Square.
Customize Image Size and Add Watermark to Your Images
When adding images to long articles, you can adjust their size to meet your requirements. You can also enable the watermark feature to have your nickname imprinted on the images, providing a unique way to help promote your Binance Square profile.
One-Click Switch from Short Post to Long Article
When your post overflows the short post character limit, simply click "Switch to Article". This will transfer all your current draft into an article format, allowing you to continue creating your content seamlessly.
Filter Latest Content Related to Specific Tokens
Navigate to the "Square" -> "Community" tab on each trading page to filter content related to specific tokens tailored to your preferences. Use the 'Trending' filter for system-recommended content and the 'Latest' filter for recently posted content.
Stay Updated with All Things Binance Square
Follow the official Binance Square account to keep up with the latest news, features, and updates, and ensure you never miss important information.
Your opinion matters to us! If there's a product or feature you want to see implemented on Binance Square, don't hesitate to let us know. Submit your ideas through our customer support, and together, we'll work towards making Binance Square even better. Thank you for being a part of our community!