I found some information about new and legitimate cryptocurrencies and Telegram channels that discuss them. One notable project related to Telegram is Toncoin, developed from the remnants of Telegram’s original TON blockchain project. Despite initial setbacks due to regulatory issues, the community revived it, and it has seen considerable development since then .
For Telegram channels, some of the most reputable ones include:
• Coin Bureau Insider: Known for its insightful updates on the crypto market .
• ICO Listing: Focuses on new initial coin offerings (ICOs) with reviews and analysis .
• Whale Coin Talk: A community for discussions and insights from experienced traders .
• Altchica: A popular channel for trading signals and market insights .
These channels provide valuable information and updates on various crypto projects, including new coins and trading strategies. Always ensure to research thoroughly before investing.$BTC $ETH $BNB