expectation vs reality if you are invest on bitcoin

While some consider cryptocurrencies to be as innovative as the internet, others believe they are a risky invention. Many view them as both a technological phenomenon and a revolutionary development that threatens the very foundations of civilization.

A cryptocurrency is a group of binary data used to conduct transactions. In contrast to digital currencies issued by a central bank, cryptocurrencies frequently use decentralized management. 

a cryptocurrency gets centralized when a single entity creates, generates or issues it. Today, there are more than a thousand different cryptocurrencies in use, and their developers see them as a path to a more future economy. Virtual currencies use Cryptography (encryption) as a form of security.

Since they cannot get exchanged for other goods, including gold, they have no intrinsic value. Due to its greater accessibility compared to other forms of payment, users can benefit from changes in the market to make a profit.

We'll look at some of the contrasts between your assumptions and the realities of trading cryptocurrencies that you may have when finally getting started.

Many people think trading cryptocurrencies can result in significant profits, especially when compared to activities like forex. When you look at things like social media from the outside, you can see people posting images of their purported results; some of them are successful, earning thousands each day.

Investing in cryptocurrencies can be a great way to make money in the long run although it is not a quick-rich scheme. The truth is that you must get prepared to take all necessary risks and become prepared to hold your investment for a very long time. 

Those who are making a lot of money either have very large balances or are taking on far greater risks than they should with each trade, which increases the likelihood that they will lose everything rather than profit. So, yes, profits can be high, but you will have to take a lot of risks to get them.