Let me tell you about this project with a potential of 1000X

Yes, this project has raised $6 million in a seed round co-led by Lightspeed Faction and Tagus Capital.

I know you all want to position Right ? another thing here is it has high possibility of airdroping some tokens to early contributors.

Let cut it short, but wait...šŸ¤”!

It is backed by substantial funding and strategic partnerships, this project is set to democratize AI, shifting control from corporate giants to the global community. By enabling community participation in AI training and governance, it ensures that AI technology is developed in line with public interest, rather than corporate agendas.

It aims to decentralize the training and governance of AI models. This move addresses the growing concerns over the monopolistic control held by a few tech giants, which often results in biased and opaque AI systems.

It has partnered with io.net to utilize decentralized computing resources, significantly reducing privacy risks associated with centralized AI systems. Additionally, it has collaborated with PublicAI to provide high-quality datasets and services, driving further innovation and efficiency.

The name of this project is Flock.io.

FLock.io is dedicated to shifting the power of AI development from a few large corporations to the wider community. By enabling community participation in AI training and governance, FLock.io ensures that AI technology is developed in line with public interest, rather than corporate agendas.

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