🚀 Worldcoin, the project that's been scanning faces and irises faster than your grandma scans the supermarket for bargains, has been given a red card by Hong Kong's Privacy Commissioner. 🛑

Apparently, collecting face images to verify 'humanness' was as necessary as a chocolate teapot. Who knew? They could've just done it in person. 🤷‍♂️

And to add insult to injury, Worldcoin didn't give enough info for participants to make informed decisions. The privacy notice wasn't even in Chinese, leaving non-English speakers in the dark.

The Commissioner deemed the collection of face and iris images unfair and unlawful, violating data protection principles. And holding onto sensitive biometric data for up to 10 years for AI training? That's a no-no.

Worldcoin confirmed 8,302 individuals had their faces and irises scanned in Hong Kong. The project, launched in 2023, has faced regulatory scrutiny in many countries.

What's your take on this? Is Worldcoin's method too invasive or just part of the future of DeFi? Let's discuss in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #Privacy 🌐