Before the announcement of $ETH ETFs, a whale spent $26.67 million $USDT to purchase 8,733 $ETH at $3,054.56 each, resulting in an unrealized profit of approximately $6 million.

Following the SEC's approval of form 19b-4 for $ETH ETFs, the whale invested $24.7 million in Ethereum ecosystem tokens, yielding an unrealized profit of about $1.1 million.

The whale also deposited $19.75 million $USDT to Binance and withdrew significant amounts of various tokens, including:

- 4.04 million $LDO (valued at $9.3 million)

- 684,364 $UNI (valued at $6.7 million)

- 52,623 $AAVE (valued at $5.4 million)

- 82,041 $ENS (valued at $2 million)

- 250,969 $FXS (valued at $1.25 million)

Wallet addresses associated with these transactions:

- 0x2872f40a9bf8348F280bD9D79220c3ffDFc6cdF8

- 0xf07BACCfC49Da8D27cF32221b653c6c95599EdDa

- 0xe934a8F424bC7CcD344f858E1883f89a1A3DdD23

- 0xBD07ff8A4961558a8817c49187f8A15994eaC26f

- 0xE18941D143118acde96818F28cdA3Cd2C369e7dF

- 0xCD0a459C27bdC9F8CC7c2e70F9F0CD245Fe725Cb

- 0x2019E2F0aA900e0a52C05eE8e8F6246CeB926beF

- 0xb2A20EF1A0911378E684C337861e164D84D2EDcb

- 0xBbDCF40c447aE1CEda0e8272D7bfFD69459f622e

- 0x43cAa9d4205aED9d8Ef63BE6f2aaE1d020751Ea6

- 0x915A12a048E7349E65ac84d631f19e2D5C2F898b

- 0x522A2E8753295F265e95aaE6c645F577242d163D

- 0xE2a3bB91328969a2261B395E8Bd534c26a63A1a3

- 0x134Fa32188F60362dad149cc03BD8945103D318B

- 0xa01E6e92FDfd1E934109BCd3955C8D32832F782c

- 0x950f2e87D6c7B98cf210d724e0dDeC0bF90c7FD7

- 0x9909bB7adCcC31FcA7F6619Df3C3D5e57dFe54d2

- 0x7E61599682c06bc0fC4f6261d1d10e903677e6C2