Person who stole 2 million dollars from Solana meme coin application: They were going to go bankrupt anyway

While the application, which allows the issuance of meme coins on the Solana network, had $2 million worth of SOL tokens stolen yesterday with an inside intervention, the former employee who committed the theft said, "It was a place that was poorly Managed and harmed people. I'm not afraid of going to jail either. "If it happens, let it happen," he said.

While the application, one of the most used applications of the Solana network recently and through which meme coins can be issued, lost 2 million dollars, the person who committed the theft said that he did not regret what he did.

It was determined that the attacker, who targeted the accounts on that enabled the transfer of liquidity in tokens of a certain level to Solana's decentralized exchange Raydium, stole $2 million worth of SOL tokens from there.

Everyone calm down, this is a robbery. I will change the course of history. Then I will rot in prison. Am I smart? No, I'm pretty good. Actually, not much. Do I want something? No, even my mother died and came back to life.”

“They were managing poorly”

Later, speaking in an X Space broadcast on the subject, the attacker complained about the mismanagement of the company and said, “I had a personal stance against the company managers. I was complaining about them. "They were horribly bad managers," he said.

“I wanted to bankrupt the company.”

The attacker, who used very clear expressions and was announced to be a Canadian citizen, said: “I wanted to go bankrupt and end. They were going to sink anyway. They have been doing evil to people for a long time. This had to be done. I only accelerated their progress. "They were going to finish themselves off anyway," he said.