#Bitcoin 💰🚀 is forming this bullish flag pattern on the daily chart, and we have a lifetime opportunity to buy #Bitcoin #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 at the bottom of the flag. What's more, we have a long-term trendline starting in October 2023, which is another reason to buy #Bitcoin in confluence with multiple technical indicators. A lot of people are calling for Bitcoin winter, but I don't think so. I see the recent price action as a great buying opportunity on the other side.

It is always important to do an Elliott Wave technical analysis to see the full picture. From my point of view, Bitcoin has formed and completed the WXYXZ triple-three corrective pattern inside this bullish flag. What you want to do as a trader is trade a breakout above the flag or buy at the bottom of the flag, potentially trading a breakout of the last Z wave.

Thank you, and I wish you successful trades.🚀💵