hey guys, has been a while. don't like talking when I have nothing to say. I do have something to say today. I've been waiting for his drop, needed this drop, wanted this drop and hitting 54, next support, to bounce between 54 and 60 for a month was my expectation since the beginning... then the Bullrun comes. we needed this, the Bullrun that occurs Every four years repeats itself,over and over and this time , it is not the exception, all metrics have been met, last one was this last drop and after his drop the bounce will be epic , that's what's different in this Bullrun, the money that is coming into the market and the money those of us who are lucky and intelligent enough will get out of it. You all have a great buy for the next month or so... this is when you buy more. Happy upcoming Bullrun everyone .

*not financial advice, educational purposes, investigate! knowledge is power!*

*original written language is English, get context please if u r translating or reading in another language*

Love, Andy.