🔼hello crypto community 🔊🔊

There are two paths to wealth in cryptocurrency,

but many newcomers stumble through costly errors before grasping the lesson, complicating their journey.

Most beginners view crypto as a shortcut to fortune, exiting the market hastily—a perilous mindset leading to poor decisions and potential loss.

Let me outline how to prosper in crypto: Firstly,

success doesn't always demand a complex strategy.

Two options exist:

🩸A) Start with a quarter of your desired wealth; if $1 million is your goal, begin with $250,000. This approach requires buying during bear markets and securing assets in a non-custodial wallet. Over time, wealth accumulates with minimal effort, focusing solely on Bitcoin is sufficient.

🩸B) Begin with a small investment and gradually expand. This method demands patience and market awareness. Start with $1,000 in Bitcoin during a bear market, securing it in a non-custodial wallet. As Bitcoin gains value, diversify into altcoins, learning about various crypto concepts along the way.

Sell altcoins for USD upon significant gains and await the next market downturn to repeat the cycle.

Remember, success requires effort, but with dedication, your goals are attainable. Like and follow for more support. 👍