🔥@PiCoreTeam 🚀 How will the #PiNetwork reach a value of $314159 when Billions of users use Pi?👇

✅ As we all understand, the Pi Network's goal in the PiFest – PiCommerce event is the first step in a call and test survey for the Pi community.

The large consensus motivated many Pioneers to participate in PiFest in a staggering 155 countries.

However, that does not reflect the true value of the Pi currency's intrinsic value at this time. It is probably just the beginning of the survey for some achievements.

For Pi to have high monetary value, Pi Network strives to build a comprehensive Utility Ecosystem. Pi will be applied in almost all fields that traditional companies are building at web2. It will be a good start if a large number of businesses, technology companies, and development groups participate in building according to the proposed model. propose.

👉DAPPs: Dapps are the simplest way for traditional web2 to connect to web3 Pi through the Pi SDK adapter. When millions of Web2 connect web3 Pi to the Pi cryptocurrency application, it will give Pi more options in connecting billions of users to the Pi Network according to the future plan of the network's lifespan.

👉PI SMART CONTRACT: It is certain that the Pi Network will release a Smart Contract with the goal of bringing other Blockchains to connect to the Pi Blockchain so that web3 developers can use the Pi Currency as well as the Pi Network pioneer community. available. However, those web3 developers must accept the use of PiCoin in popular Financial fields such as: AI, GameFi, NFTs, Metaverse, LOAN, DAO, IOT, Bigdata... etc.

Billions of people use Pi currency as a means of common use. I believe that the Pi community's dream value with 1Pi = lucky $314159 valuation can happen.

✅The above is @CryptoSage254 personal opinion, not a statement from #PiCoreTeam. The article is for reference only.

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