
Price: 64,950 USDT
Change: 0.01% (Past 24 hours)
Volume: 10.805K BTC (Past 24 hours)
Market Sentiment: Neutral

Technical Indicators:

Moving Averages:

MA(7): 63,667.06 USDT
MA(25): 67,236.43 USDT
MA(99): 57,513.06 USDT

Bollinger Bands:

Upper Band: 73,777.00 USDT
Lower Band: 57,000.00 USDT

Relative Strength Index (RSI): 49.62 (Neutral)

%K: 49.72 (Neutral)
%D: 48.19 (Neutral)


BTCUSDT is trading in a sideways trend on the 1-day candlestick chart. The price is currently trading at a horizontal support level of 64,950 USDT. A break below this level could see the price fall to 57,000 USDT. Conversely, a move above this level could see the price rise to 73,777 USDT.


This analysis is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as investment advice. It is important to do your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

I hope this analysis is helpful.

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