šŸš€ Statistics of past halvings:

ā­First Halving:

Date: 29/11/2012Bitcoin Price: $12.25After halving, the price remained flat for 49 days before starting to rise again.First peak reached in April 2013 at $259 (21 times the price at halving).Second peak reached in November 2013 at $1,163 (94.9 times the price at halving).

ā­Second Halving:

Date: 7/9/2016Bitcoin Price: $653After Halving, Bitcoin price remained flat for 4 weeks, then started to rise slowly until the beginning of May 2017 before increasing sharply.Peak reached in December 2017 at $19,666 (30 times the price at halving).

ā­Third Halving:

Date: 12/5/2020Bitcoin Price: $8,605After Halving, Bitcoin price remained flat for 161 days.First peak reached in April 2021 at $64,895.Second peak reached in November 2021 at $69,000 (8 times the price at halving).

ā­Fourth Halving:

Date: 20/4/2024Bitcoin Price: $63,821


Bitcoin price is expected to remain flat for 1-2 months before rising again.Prediction: Assuming the price increase after each halving cycle is less than 3 times the previous cycle, we get: 8:3=2.6 times.
=> $63,821 x 2.6 = $165,934.Using Fibonacci extension, we have thresholds of $120,000 and $180,000 => taking the midpoint between these two thresholds, we get a price of around $150,000.