Hi ATH Miners,

📌 Premium packages

📌 Diamond package

📌 Lion Private Round

📌 Athene P2P

🪙 You may already know what BTC Halving is. And for ATH Halving, it will be similar 👇

📌 We started ATH mining in December 2023 and halving will occur every 6 months. Check the details below

⚡️December 2023 to May 2024: 50 million ATH mined monthly

⚡️June 2024 to November 2024 : 25 million ATH mined monthly

⚡️December 2024 to May 2025: 12.5 million ATH mined monthly

⚡️June 2025 to November 2025 : 6.25 million ATH mined monthly

👉 The ATH Halving is a positive signal because it reduces the supply, creates scarcity, and therefore INCREASE the value of an ATH.

💰 What should you do now before ATH Halving?

Here is your best solution 👇

1️⃣ Get Premium packages

2️⃣ Boost mining by burning ATH

3️⃣ More referrals: You will get an additional:

⚡️5% Booster for each F1 successful KYC completion.

⚡️3% Booster for each F2 successful KYC completion.

👉 The higher the BOOSTER, the more money you'll receive.

🎉 Mine ATH now!