NULS! Pioneer in Modular Blockchain

The narrative of Modular Blockchain has gained significant prominence in recent times. Projects like #celestia , Cosmos, #Polkadot and many others have been riding this hype wave. But did you know that there's a project that has had this same proposition for much longer? #nuls is a project that started in 2017 and is a pioneer in the modular blockchain market. Furthermore, it also makes its technology available for other projects and companies to develop their own modular blockchains. A modular system brings numerous benefits but the idea is to enable faster, cheaper development and even facilitate updates. In the case of nuls technology it can be applied both to develop other blockchain networks and to develop decentralized applications known as dapps. Since 2017, nuls has significantly evolved its modular #blockchain and has grown exponentially in terms of cross-chain and layer 2 solutions. In 2023, it brought many innovations but 2024 holds even more promise.


Watch the full video on Nuls' official YouTube channel called 'Nuls Blockchain