Omni: Unifying Ethereum's Rollup Ecosystem

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, scalability remains a persistent challenge. Ethereum, one of the pioneering platforms for decentralized applications, has been exploring various solutions to enhance its throughput without compromising security or decentralization. One such solution, embraced by the Ethereum community, is the rollup-centric roadmap. However, while rollups offer scalability benefits, they also introduce fragmentation within Ethereum's ecosystem. To address this challenge, Omni Labs has developed Omni, an Ethereum-native interoperability protocol.

The Problem of Rollup Fragmentation:
Rollups represent a significant advancement in Ethereum's scaling efforts. By executing transactions off-chain and relying on Ethereum Layer 1 for consensus on state updates, rollups provide secure off-chain execution environments while maintaining compatibility with smart contracts and applications. However, the proliferation of rollups has led to fragmentation within Ethereum's ecosystem. This fragmentation divides capital, users, and developers across multiple rollup domains, hindering the network effects and original vision of Ethereum as a unified operating system for decentralized applications.

Introducing Omni:
Omni was conceived to address the negative externalities associated with rollup fragmentation. Built on the principles of security, performance, and global compatibility, Omni establishes a new precedent for Ethereum-native interoperability. Unlike existing solutions that compromise on one or more of these aspects, Omni derives its cryptoeconomic security from restaked $ETH, ensuring robust protection for cross-rollup communications.

Omni prioritizes security as its foundation. Leveraging EigenLayer's restaking mechanism, Omni extends Ethereum Layer 1's cryptoeconomic security to external networks. By restaking $ETH, Omni ensures stable and reliable security, backed by Ethereum's industry-leading security budget.

In terms of performance, Omni achieves sub-second cross-rollup message verification through its unique architecture. By incorporating CometBFT consensus and leveraging the Engine API, Omni validators process messages with minimal latency, ensuring rapid transaction finality and efficient network operation.

Global Compatibility:
Omni is designed to be globally compatible with Ethereum's entire rollup ecosystem. Its modular architecture allows seamless integration with any rollup architecture, while the introduction of a universal gas marketplace simplifies gas payments across networks. Additionally, the Omni EVM provides a global platform for deploying and managing cross-rollup applications, empowering developers to build Natively Global Applications (NGAs) that access Ethereum's liquidity and users seamlessly.