Want free crypto? Legit guide coming, read more bellow.

My ultimate "faucet" guide is almost finished.

Follow my profile so you dont miss my post thats going to make you free crypto.

What are faucets?

Faucets give out small amount of crypto to your adress, usually in intervals(3times a day/everyday/once a week) totaly for free. There can also be some rules like, your adress cannot contain any amount of the token that you are about to recieve from the faucet. Which can be passed by having multiple adreses and stacking it all to the big one :). So stay tuned and follow me so you dont miss it.

Also did some small scalping with 30 dollars, run time 2 hours. Closed. Cheers.

#FreeCryptoEarning #faucet #Futures_Trading