Is Ethfi coin going to lose market value?

Iam seeing that the price of ETHFI Coin price increases then after some time it's continuesly decreasing than I do some research about this coin:

According to predictions, the price of (ETHFI) could experience fluctuations. Here are some insights:

In 2024, the price of ETHFI might reach $10 after it reaches price discovery, which could be bullish. However, in 2027, it might retrace to $12. Additionally, in 2028, there’s a possibility of the price rallying to $301.

The adoption of the liquid restaking sector could send ETHFI’s price to $67 in 20231.

Other predictions suggest that by April 29, 2024, ETHFI could reach $21.852.

Long-term predictions for 2025 and beyond vary, with estimates ranging from $6.65 (low) to $31.48 (high) in 2025, and $16.83 (low) to $27.29 (high) in 20302.

Remember that these predictions are speculative, and actual market performance may differ. Always conduct thorough research and consider professional advice before making investment decisions. 🚀📈

Iam waiting for this coin to increase it's value.