Based on the latest data available, Arbitrum is currently priced at $1.66 and holds the rank of No. 30 within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Its circulating supply stands at $4,412,767,313.69, with a market capitalization of 2,653,939,384 ARB.

Over the past 24 hours, the crypto has seen a $0.03 increase in value.

Over the past week, ARB has demonstrated a positive upward trend, with a 1.71% increase. This recent performance indicates promising potential for Arbitrum, presenting an opportune moment for investment.

Over the last month, ARB's price has surged by 17.53%, adding an impressive average of $0.29 to its value. This substantial growth suggests that the coin could become a stable asset if the trend persists.

2024 Prediction:

Maximum: $1.56

Minimum: $1.40

Average: $1.48

2025 Prediction:

Minimum: $3.13

Maximum: $3.84

Average: $3.22

2026 Prediction:

Minimum: $4.71

Maximum: $5.46

Average: $4.87

2027 Prediction:

Minimum: $7.04

Maximum: $8.17

Average: $7.28

2028 Prediction:

Maximum: $12.18

Minimum: $10.09

Average: $10.38

2029 Prediction:

Average: $14.94

Minimum: $14.42

Maximum: $17.66

2030 Prediction:

Expected Range: $20.89 - $25.75

Average: $21.49

These forecasts provide insights into the potential price movements of Arbitrum over the specified time periods, based on analysis by cryptocurrency experts.