$BTC In the early stages of a bull market, market manipulators use every trick in the book to ensure that retail investors find it difficult to enter the market. Even if some manage to get in, they are vigorously shaken out to increase their holding costs. However, in the later stages of a bull market, the situation is quite the opposite. The manipulators do everything they can to entice retail investors, fearing they might miss the opportunity. They try their best to make them believe that getting in means making money, and stories of overnight riches abound, reminiscent of the heyday of inscriptions.

In this market, being good at buying is a skill, but what really ensures profit is knowing when to sell. Only those who master the art of buying and selling can become the ultimate winners.

If you find my views reasonable, feel free to follow me. For strategies on positioning in a bull market, I suggest everyone be patient and enter with full force later. After all, a bull market is not only an enticing opportunity but also harbors risks that cannot be ignored. It requires careful consideration to steadily grasp the opportunities for profit amidst market fluctuations. #BTC